Well-Known Member
If Mudballs was to go back and read this thread he would relise that most of the punters here were full of shit, he would have read that even when the market has fallen 30% across the board in one day somehow they have all still managed to turn a profit, so Mudballs would then understand why Bernie has posed the question today.Mudballs has been thinking....if Bernie344 makes a living from his precious mining, why would he be making fun of massive crypto loses....mudballs thinks bernie344 isn't all that smart after all
As for Bernies precious mining, if mudballs had a clue about it he would know that crypto miners not only mine but they also validate all crypto transactions and those transactions have fees, so when there is high volatility and there are many players buying and selling crypto the volume of transactions increase tremendously, and so do the amount of fees paid, so whether the market is falling or rising fast Bernies profits increase sometimes by over 200% but usually by at least 50% which is happening right now as per the BTC/USDT chart below.

And as to how Bernie makes a living Mudballs should actually ask Bernie before making assumptions.