Dropped 100$ in doge

Mudballs has been thinking....if Bernie344 makes a living from his precious mining, why would he be making fun of massive crypto loses....mudballs thinks bernie344 isn't all that smart after all
If Mudballs was to go back and read this thread he would relise that most of the punters here were full of shit, he would have read that even when the market has fallen 30% across the board in one day somehow they have all still managed to turn a profit, so Mudballs would then understand why Bernie has posed the question today.
As for Bernies precious mining, if mudballs had a clue about it he would know that crypto miners not only mine but they also validate all crypto transactions and those transactions have fees, so when there is high volatility and there are many players buying and selling crypto the volume of transactions increase tremendously, and so do the amount of fees paid, so whether the market is falling or rising fast Bernies profits increase sometimes by over 200% but usually by at least 50% which is happening right now as per the BTC/USDT chart below.
And as to how Bernie makes a living Mudballs should actually ask Bernie before making assumptions.
Mudballs has been thinking....if Bernie344 makes a living from his precious mining, why would he be making fun of massive crypto loses....mudballs thinks bernie344 isn't all that smart after all

The clown is full of it. They have not been making all this mining profit they've been talking about. The difficulty levels are still high making mining with their alleged small time mining equipment unprofitable due to the collapse in prices. There is a reason I didn't start running any mining rigs. You can't compete with the big farms in China and other places with massive amounts of hash power.

They're just on here trolling.
Can`t wait to hear how much the rollitup crypto gurus have made today.
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Haha, yeah, PJ Diaz isn't making money today. PJ Diaz isn't worried though, because PJ Diaz was planning to hold all along, so PJ Diaz knows that this is just a roadbump, because PJ Diaz understands that while "what goes up must come down", PJ Diaz also knows that the opposite is true, because PJ Diaz understands that life is like a wave. Ebb and flow.
No, I was out at the patch all weekend digging holes and planting.. I think it will hit 1900 again though.

Oh well. And you're probably right.

One thing I've noticed in crypto these last few months is that it's not following the typical patterns it has in the past. But these days we have people like Elon Musk that mentions DOGE and a worthless coin is now tommorows messiah. Crazy stuff. The underlying properties of DOGE never changed. The fact that Elon Musk tweeted about it and made it increase in value astronomically makes absolutely no logical sense. It was and still is nothing but hype.

I could rent a couple VPS's for seed nodes, clone the code off of github, change a couple lines of code, compile the executables and wallets, generate the genesis block, and then start mining on a blockchain that is the exact same technology. There is absolutely nothing unique about DOGE. In fact it's originally a clone of Litecoin which was a clone of Bitcoin.

Maybe we should launch a coin. Just have to think of a cool name, write a Whitepaper, setup a cool looking website, etc... Then have a public offering. :mrgreen:

Oh well. And you're probably right.

One thing I've noticed in crypto these last few months is that it's not following the typical patterns it has in the past. But these days we have people like Elon Musk that mentions DOGE and a worthless coin is now tommorows messiah. Crazy stuff. The underlying properties of DOGE never changed. The fact that Elon Musk tweeted about it and made it increase in value astronomically makes absolutely no logical sense. It was and still is nothing but hype.

I could rent a couple VPS's for seed nodes, clone the code off of github, change a couple lines of code, compile the executables and wallets, generate the genesis block, and then start mining on a blockchain that is the exact same technology. There is absolutely nothing unique about DOGE. In fact it's originally a clone of Litecoin which was a clone of Bitcoin.

Maybe we should launch a coin. Just have to think of a cool name, write a Whitepaper, setup a cool looking website, etc... Then have a public offering. :mrgreen:


I don't understand any of that, I don't think I ever will. Im just looking to buy etherium at 1900 and sell it at 35-40k .. Which I think is doable. Then Ill dump all that in Berkshire Hathaway or Nestle.
I don't understand any of that, I don't think I ever will. Im just looking to buy etherium at 1900 and sell it at 35-40k .. Which I think is doable. Then Ill dump all that in Berkshire Hathaway or Nestle.

I don't know who understands what. But it sounds like you have a plan for what you want to do. That's more than many. Planning leads to success.

Haha 1000% seems pretty good to me! I’m still happy!

I never said people weren't making money. I made a ton during that last runup myself. I've just urged caution due to the volatility of cryptocurrencies. Some were acting like things were just going to keep going up and all the crazy talk about what this coin or that coin were going to be worth next month, next year, like the party would never end. Another double digit drop today. The big boys holding large amounts of coins dumped when bitcoin was $60K and everything else was seeing 40-50%+ gains in a month. They'll sit it out for awhile and enjoy their profits.

Because Im an idiot

Do you have your order in? It could get filled by tomorrow morning. We'll have to see how things play out.
Too easy, Bernie picks up 8.5 Cake @ 15.5 this morning and it sells @ 16.58 only a few hours later.
How much did Bernie pay out of his own pocket?
Nothing, he mined ETH and paid for the Cake, makin $ on top of made $.
We like your style Bern.
Not much goin on in this thread, opportunities are there for those who were smart and unloaded earlier, if you`ve been holding, well things arn`t looking good, Doge would be a buy @ .25
I've been riding this out, buying and selling daily with the DOGE and having a fun time learning the crypto market. I'm gonna stick with it, what a fun game.

I bought a little m5stack stock ticker to track it but it turns out it is only set up for xrp, etherium, bitcoin, and a few other cryptos

does anyone know how i could add doge to it? It uses arduino
I've been riding this out, buying and selling daily with the DOGE and having a fun time learning the crypto market. I'm gonna stick with it, what a fun game.

I bought a little m5stack stock ticker to track it but it turns out it is only set up for xrp, etherium, bitcoin, and a few other cryptos

does anyone know how i could add doge to it? It uses arduino
Everything is already under pressure and the problem rite now is we are in the dreaded weekend slow trading, the last few weekends havnt been kind, we could see some big falls, I`d be staying out of it at least for now.
Everything is already under pressure and the problem rite now is we are in the dreaded weekend slow trading, the last few weekends havnt been kind, we could see some big falls, I`d be staying out of it at least for now.
nah bro
doge to the mooooooooon!
still buying the dips!
It’ll all go eventually. I’m holding for a year because I don’t wanna lose half to taxes. Everybody’s style is different though.
Edit: at least a year.