China LEDs

Hey guys I'm looking to buy more LEDs for a new room and Meijiu have been real dicks by not sending back a dimmer that's faulty. What's your go to nowadays?
Seeing you’re in Canada, I’m out west myself, have you ever peeked at the fusion pro stuff? They make a 900w rack for about 1400, free shipping. 480 boards about 6-700.. Guys kinda a cunt but might be some wiggle room on quantity and they have some cheaper rigs too. I have used the store but can’t vouch for the led stuff, looks decent but there are cheaper options too. I’m not sure where it’s made, not the USA anyways.
i bought my QB's from these guys. looks like they are getting into bar style options as well.

i would assume they ship to Canada. prices seem to be reasonable.

Aww, Daddy China isn't perfect huh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I told your dumbass exactly what these skeezers pull :wall:'ve got something on your chin :hump:

Who’s your daddy
So what your saying is that you never tried the Alibaba boards? You are just generalizing based on your experience of Chinese made goods?
Why would your opinion matter more than someone who's tried these boards for themselves?

She never did answer you eh?
For me, I own HLG(s), Meiju(s), and Kingbrite(s), and if you are talking about 288(s) boards LM301B or LM301H with red(s) epistar or cree or without red(s), they all grow the same shit, the same way. My only beef is with Meiju, as their boards are the only boards that have suffered repeated diode failures, one goes out, and sooner, rather than later a whole row will go out. Also one of their drivers caught fire on me, and after a lengthy investigation between Alibaba, Meiju and Mean Well, it was determined that Meiju was selling defective drivers, that didn't pass Mean Well Quality Control, that should have been destoryed, but somehow Meiju got a hold of them and was selling them with some of their kits! So no-more Meiju for me. Anyway, for me, dollar for dollar, Kingbrite is the only way to go, because going the "pick your components route" I can build 320(s) for $118 dollars each with shipping if I buy enough to make 5 of them, which is all I use!
How did meijiu solve the problem you got ? They should refund you . lol
Alright, we're gonna go through this reaaaaal slow.

This is a qb288
Let's all notice, the blue/red diodes run perpendicular to the board :clap:

This is called a "qb288"


Which way do the colored diodes run? These jokers literally just name their shit after a reputable product. Do you understand that "Quantum Board" is a registered trademark of HLG? Only HLG can make a Quantum Board, like only Chevrolet can build a Corvette.
So please, tell me why you put your trust into a company that openly lies to you about what product they are selling you? The only reason you name your product after someone else's, is because your product isn't up to par, and you want to use their name to swindle unsuspecting customers. If Meiju or Kingbrite were making a quality product, they would come up with their own name. This isn't theoretical physics, this is basic human nature. What makes you believe anything inside this product is what you are told it is? They got integrity after they ripped off the name, or......??

No, I have never bought a knock off board from Ali Baba. Why would I?

Im basing this off of China's reputation around the world for stealing Intellectual Property. It's not a secret. Also the fact that I've never seen a single Chinese knock off that was worth a shit. Knock offs aren't known for their quality performance. They look the part, but lack the substance and durability.