I wouldn't want to debate moral high ground if I was defending China either

Isn't the subject "China leds"? Do you think manufacturers flock to China because of quality

What do nukes and oil have to do with manufacturing quality? Lead based paint on children's toys, and poisoned dog food are directly related to bad manufacturing practices. China steals proprietary information like we breathe air, all day everyday. They cost us billions of dollars, and thousands of jobs every year. All they care about is how something looks. Can you tell the difference between lead and non lead based paint by looking at it?
You don't have a problem with a "company" stealing the name of another companies product, and then advertising as the real deal?
If your cheap, that's fine. But claiming that a knock off from China is the same as the original product is just ignorant and dishonest.
How many grow lights do you use in your operation?