Wanting to switch nutrients?


Well-Known Member
I grow in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil and use some basic meigs nutes, I have been hearing alot about the Tiger Bloom trio. Does that have the Cal Mag in all three of those or do I need to buy serperate? And what do you think about the chems I use to those? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
I dont use but a quick label search and I see mag listed on the tiger and grow big not on big bloom. Lots of people are probably going to advise you against ff nutes imo just going off what I see around

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
You have to buy it separately.

I'd stick with the more simple option you got now unless you're really ready to chase your ass trying to figure out what strength you can use those nutes from one strain to the next. That was my experience anyway. I had three different strains going and all three responded differently to the same 1/4 strength dose.

Other people will tell you the complete opposite.



Well-Known Member
I dont use but a quick label search and I see mag listed on the tiger and grow big not on big bloom. Lots of people are probably going to advise you against ff nutes imo just going off what I see around
So you think what I'm using are good? Because I did 1 other grow just in a open empty room I did a Gelato and Sour D and man they didn't stink at all. So was wondering if it is thr nutes I use or what? I got a tent now and starting my second "legit" grow and was seeing what u shluld do.


Well-Known Member
Honestly man I've not used either. FF when I first started and fd my stuff up first dose. I blame it on me but never touched it again. Have heard mostly negative stuff about them since


Well-Known Member
You have to buy it separately.

I'd stick with the more simple option you got now unless you're really ready to chase your ass trying to figure out what strength you can use those nutes from one strain to the next. That was my experience anyway. I had three different strains going and all three responded differently to the same 1/4 strength dose.

Other people will tell you the complete opposite.

Cool man yes I have read that on here as well so a second time will hold me off until other why's. So why didn't my last harvest not stink while budding?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Here is a crazy thought …. :bigjoint:

Add more ffof to top dress then water in. I kicked trio to curb … you can over do it. Plant is already acclimated to it … so no measuring shit for feed.

Ph as needed to range close medium ( 6.6 - 6.7 ) and thats it. Not only are you recharging the medium ( it exhausts over time ) but you can also use ffof as a tea or soil drench ( on the bag ).
You can still introduce Tiger bloom during actual flowering with that top dress. Add a little kelp to water and you are golden.
Big bloom is the ONLY organic of the trio and can be used to keep myco happy.


Well-Known Member
yes, thats all you need, thats what i use, tomato herb and flower girl fertilizer bags, roots organic original soil and tap water, i mix in a little 444 too but not needed

the cheapest and easiest way to grow, but be careful this stuff is strong i use half dose at most


Well-Known Member
l just purchased Cannapro Pure 3 part starter kit grow bloom and calmag 2.5k powdered nutes. Was 200 can but best deal in grow store. Was using RAW but too expensive. Gaia has good 444