New grower southern Oregon

This one is from the plant I grew last year that I found some seeds in apparently it went a little bit hermy turning out to be a nice plant16224727490582707796794101414688.jpg
They look healthy. They're going to get up over the top of that fence. If that's not a problem for you then let em go. Otherwise, train and/or top them.
I'm using that green fields Roots organic soil my bigger leaves on the one plant seem to be kind of turning yellow
How much do you think I should water these girls in 45 gallon grow pots
Water as needed depending on precip, temps, humidity. I prefer to do heavy watering fewer times as opposed to lighter watering more times.

I've never used that soil. How long have they been in the soil? If it's been more than a month and they look like they need supplemental nutes, then I'd feed them. Just don't blast them with full strength on the first feeding.
Water as needed depending on precip, temps, humidity. I prefer to do heavy watering fewer times as opposed to lighter watering more times.

I've never used that soil. How long have they been in the soil? If it's been more than a month and they look like they need supplemental nutes, then I'd feed them. Just don't blast them with full strength on the first feeding.
They have been in that soil for a little over a month I fed them a couple weeks ago with a light dose of fox farm grow big then after one week watered them with 3 gallons of pure water then one week later or last night with a good dose of fox farm grow big three teaspoons per gallon 3 gallons
Dont be afraid to jam ur hand down in a spot away from the trunk to feel for dampness won't hurt a plant that well established.