Plants are not looking well


Im growing Indoors, watering about once a week in Fox Farms Ocean Forest. This plant Sprouted on 4/23 so just over 5 weeks old, In veg stage.

I transplanted her on 5/3 into the 5 gallon pot. Plant thrived up until about 9 days ago I started to see some deficiency.

I did a tea and top dressed with Down to Earth 4-4-4 & Dolomite lime, 1 tbsp per gallon.


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Well-Known Member
Top dressing runs the risk of burning the roots especially lime, which looks like what has happened


Well-Known Member
Ok top dressing will only add another problem to diagnose either way. Rule of thumb when trying to figure out a problem less is more


Well-Known Member
Why did you topdress with lime? There was no reason to do that.

Since the issue is only affecting part of the plant and the rest looks healthy I would lean towards early presence of some kind of pest. Broad or russet mites maybe. Take a look at the leaves closely on their undersides. I'm just guessing but since it's only on part of the plant it's doubtful it's a nutrient issue which would affect the entire plant.


Why did you topdress with lime? There was no reason to do that.

Since the issue is only affecting part of the plant and the rest looks healthy I would lean towards early presence of some kind of pest. Broad or russet mites maybe. Take a look at the leaves closely on their undersides. I'm just guessing but since it's only on part of the plant it's doubtful it's a nutrient issue which would affect the entire plant.
I did the dolomite lime for the calcium - magnesium. Should I just use Cal-Mag instead? Ill spray today with some Neem oil.