Seedlings keep dying?

If it were me, I'd water them at 5% water to soil volume every 24 hours. What soil are you using?
I'm using Dr Earth organic potting mix, it was a $12 bag because last time I used a premium mix it burned my seedlings and stunted them, but I tossed the soil with the dead seedling and put in fresh soil. Do you think it will be okay to re-use the same cup? I didn't wash it out or anything.
I'm using Dr Earth organic potting mix, it was a $12 bag because last time I used a premium mix it burned my seedlings and stunted them, but I tossed the soil with the dead seedling and put in fresh soil. Do you think it will be okay to re-use the same cup? I didn't wash it out or anything.
When it comes to growing.... you can never get things too clean or sterile. Always wash and sterilize. If you were doing a living soil, you might be able to get away with it, but for now... always wash and sterilize. Bleach or h202. Fox farm happy frog, build a soil light, both good examples of a good starting mix that won't burn your seedlings, for future reference.
When it comes to growing.... you can never get things too clean or sterile. Always wash and sterilize. If you were doing a living soil, you might be able to get away with it, but for now... always wash and sterilize. Bleach or h202. Fox farm happy frog, build a soil light, both good examples of a good starting mix that won't burn your seedlings, for future reference.
Yeah I've heard of all those soils, just very expensive. Do you think I should take the seeds out and wash out the cups or would I just disturb the germination process? I put new soil in and watered the seeds then covered in plastic 30min ago.
Yeah I've heard of all those soils, just very expensive. Do you think I should take the seeds out and wash out the cups or would I just disturb the germination process? I put new soil in and watered the seeds then covered in plastic 30min ago.
I would just put the seeds in different cups with different soil. Wash and sterilize the other cups and save them for another run.
Just know anything I tell you, Is what I would do and it's what works for me. Others have different methods that work just as well. You should research watering, dampening off and pythium(root rot).
For sure! Thanks man I'm doing research right now, I remember first time this happend I thought it was too much wind lol
I use one of these to water seedlings. Just spray the top of the soil.

I would gently add more soil around each of the remaining seedlings, then lower your light and water less. The others (are out of focus) seem too tall and that can make the problems you are having worse.
I would gently add more soil around each of the remaining seedlings, then lower your light and water less. The others (are out of focus) seem too tall and that can make the problems you are having worse.
I added some perlite to try and soak up some of the access water, but yeah they do seem a bit stretched but I don't want to rot the bottom of the stems with wet soil
I added some perlite to try and soak up some of the access water, but yeah they do seem a bit stretched but I don't want to rot the bottom of the stems with wet soil
Well the perlite should help stabilize them I guess. And no, you wouldn't want to use wet soil, it should be fairly dry.
I would definitely get them closer to the light though.