Gnarly Barley Warning


Well-Known Member
Dodged a bullet yesterday. Ive been using ground malted barley for a while, last time I needed some I picked up some Gnarley Barley from BAS. There is nothing wrong with the product, just wanted yall to be on the lookout. It has sprouted barley, corn, and hemp seeds.
I've got a cabinet with all female plants, and when I opened the cabinet the other day, I saw a tiny pod of seeds forming. I got in for a closer inspection, and found that the seed pod was at the top of a hemp plant. Had its own root system off to the side of one of my plants. Sprouted hemp seeds are a mix in the gnarly barley. Inevitably all the hemp seeds don't sprout as intended, and when you top dross your soil, they germinate.
Would have been a real bummer to have hemp pollen spread around the room. Seeded weed, with half quality seeds. Wasnt the first hemp plant ive found sprouted, ive probably pulled 15 or so in the few months ive been using it. Just a heads up for anyone else using Gnarley Barley :blsmoke:
Dodged a bullet yesterday. Ive been using ground malted barley for a while, last time I needed some I picked up some Gnarley Barley from BAS. There is nothing wrong with the product, just wanted yall to be on the lookout. It has sprouted barley, corn, and hemp seeds.
I've got a cabinet with all female plants, and when I opened the cabinet the other day, I saw a tiny pod of seeds forming. I got in for a closer inspection, and found that the seed pod was at the top of a hemp plant. Had its own root system off to the side of one of my plants. Sprouted hemp seeds are a mix in the gnarly barley. Inevitably all the hemp seeds don't sprout as intended, and when you top dross your soil, they germinate.
Would have been a real bummer to have hemp pollen spread around the room. Seeded weed, with half quality seeds. Wasnt the first hemp plant ive found sprouted, ive probably pulled 15 or so in the few months ive been using it. Just a heads up for anyone else using Gnarley Barley :blsmoke:
You should tell them about it so they put a warning on the product. Maybe they'll feel the need to compensate you for the inconvenience.
Dodged a bullet yesterday. Ive been using ground malted barley for a while, last time I needed some I picked up some Gnarley Barley from BAS. There is nothing wrong with the product, just wanted yall to be on the lookout. It has sprouted barley, corn, and hemp seeds.
I've got a cabinet with all female plants, and when I opened the cabinet the other day, I saw a tiny pod of seeds forming. I got in for a closer inspection, and found that the seed pod was at the top of a hemp plant. Had its own root system off to the side of one of my plants. Sprouted hemp seeds are a mix in the gnarly barley. Inevitably all the hemp seeds don't sprout as intended, and when you top dross your soil, they germinate.
Would have been a real bummer to have hemp pollen spread around the room. Seeded weed, with half quality seeds. Wasnt the first hemp plant ive found sprouted, ive probably pulled 15 or so in the few months ive been using it. Just a heads up for anyone else using Gnarley Barley :blsmoke:
I think that there came a point to where BAS is just trying to sell stuff to people. I kinda feel like it is the Advanced Nutrients of the organic world. However, he does put out some good knowledge but I wouldn't buy everything that he suggests. A good soil test is cheaper and will do more for you.
The notice is in the description on there site for Gnarley Barley. "NOTICE: There is a chance that some seed can still germinate. To maximize enzyme potential the seeds are sprouted and then dried and some seeds will still remain viable even after sprouting and milling. DO NOT use this product unless you are prepared to be on the lookout for a possible hemp, barley or corn plant growing and potentially creating pollen that could damage your grow"
The notice is in the description on there site for Gnarley Barley. "NOTICE: There is a chance that some seed can still germinate. To maximize enzyme potential the seeds are sprouted and then dried and some seeds will still remain viable even after sprouting and milling. DO NOT use this product unless you are prepared to be on the lookout for a possible hemp, barley or corn plant growing and potentially creating pollen that could damage your grow"
Pretty sure that warning was added fairly recently after a number of people complained. From what I understand, initially either Coot, BAS, or both were kind of a dick about it when people started reporting it, but that's hearsay.

I've always thrown malted barley in a coffee grinder and ground it down to a coarse powder anyway, so I did the same with the gnarly barley I bought and never gave it a second thought. I still use malted barley when mixing soil, but I prefer the gnarly barley when topdressing if I have it on hand.
Pretty sure that warning was added fairly recently after a number of people complained. From what I understand, initially either Coot, BAS, or both were kind of a dick about it when people started reporting it, but that's hearsay.

I've always thrown malted barley in a coffee grinder and ground it down to a coarse powder anyway, so I did the same with the gnarly barley I bought and never gave it a second thought. I still use malted barley when mixing soil, but I prefer the gnarly barley when topdressing if I have it on hand.
Pretty sure that warning was added fairly recently after a number of people complained. From what I understand, initially either Coot, BAS, or both were kind of a dick about it when people started reporting it, but that's hearsay.

I've always thrown malted barley in a coffee grinder and ground it down to a coarse powder anyway, so I did the same with the gnarly barley I bought and never gave it a second thought. I still use malted barley when mixing soil, but I prefer the gnarly barley when topdressing if I have it on hand.
Just ordered some for the first time and I noticed the warning, so I thought id share what i saw. How often do you topdress jdoorn14?
I didn't notice a warning when I bought it. Not a huge deal, just thought I would give people a heads up. Would really suck to pollinate some fire genetics with hemp :lol: