Actually hybrids occur in nature if I'm not mistaken
Wait what ? Lets get this straight bud ......So a noob looks online see's a good deal, gets a grow. But it's his fault cropy king is bad?
I don't follow your reasoning.
Stealing genetics? Who gave anyone the right to copyright a plant?
Name absolutely. But genetics?
You care so little but you found a way to put your two penny comments on his thread. Smh...what a jokeWait what ? Lets get this straight bud ......
Facts = 1. I said Crop King is a fucking tool .
2. I also said Copy Clown is a tool as well !
3. Also if you dig a little deeper on here i also have thrown smoke a plenty of fake breeders on here MMS ( Stole genetics and renamed them )
Matt Riot ( Because hey he's fucking Matty Fucking no it all Riot enuf said )
Also Berner ( Where's Jigga ) for the whole Candy Rain Fuckery ! just to name a few.
4. You don't knowingly name your lines another breeders lines name (although it can happen by accident usual rectified by the breeder in the wrong with a quick name change) Never mind selling fake beans of some one else work your a fuckboy !
False = 1. Me ever saying anything to the guy that started this thread (Because i care so little who he is i won't even scroll up to find his name ) i was talking to someone else it's why i quoted their post not his or hers or it's ( Hey it's 2021 i need to be PC about this )
2. I never said anyone owns or should even try to say the own a Plant or Genetics if you didn't want people to use them don't let them out ie cuts , seeds , TC because once you do they are fucking free game in my book !!
But.......... their are unwritten rules to this !!
1. You don't sell cuts for gain that someone gave to you with the understanding that you were not to breed with it or sell it .
2. You don't Rename other Breeders Testers and call it your strain !
3. If you do Breed with some ones genetics at the bare min you should be sending them a 500 pack to hunt if they say no thank you then even better for you but at the very least offer them up for fuck sakes.
Projection is unbecomingYou care so little but you found a way to put your two penny comments on his thread. Smh...what a joke
Your bag seed turned out great! Imagine what you could do with real genetics . Crop king is for noobs thst don’t know any better.These Gelatos from Crop King have been nothing short of PERFECTION since the day I germinated right at the end they have yet another surprise...PUUURRRPLE!!
See this is why people troll fools like you !!You care so little but you found a way to put your two penny comments on his thread. Smh...what a joke
The fact that I am getting 1gm per watt on my first grow since 2013 should tell your clown ass that I am far from a "noob". Does it really seem like I give a damn about a troll?? Are they gonna smoke this good green for me?? "Two penny comments" is EXACTLY what you brought to this post...and if you knew how to properly conjugate your nouns and adjectives you would know that my description of your weak ass thoughts was grammatically correct. You obviously skipped a few english classes in your day but there's no need for me to dwell on that, anybody reading your 2nd grade level ramblings already know what it is. Smh...and here's the difference between people like you and people like me...I don't need any fans or cosigners to do what I need to do. I KNOW how to grow good marijuana very, very well. Secondly, I don't judge people according to what other people have to say about them, I judge people off of my personal experiences with them...only weak minded mfs form opinions based on the opinions of others. I had a great experience doing business with Crop King Seeds. Period. Now, my advice to you would be to just chalk this minor interaction between us up as a learning experience because it's quite obvious that you can't fuck with me educationally or otherwise. Now carry your sappy ass back to the drawing board and conjure up a new plan of attack because this one has failed miserably.See this is why people troll fools like you !!
You post an opinion and i posted mine could of left it at that but you got froggy and decide to jump on a lily pad that was way to fucking far away and you fell into the pond .
I was going to leave this thread alone but some of you noobs don't know when to leave well enough alone my 2 pennies not pennys you might want to but a dictionary will the money you saved buying them whole sale genetics .
On top of the actual breeders on here told you the dudes no good and they have been around doing this while you where still sucking on your momma's teets and crapping in your sponge bob underwear ! not that my friend is 2 cents sir !
Im so sorry to hear this you deserve all the respect anyone else does....... I really hope they end up taking you serious and stop stealing others work.yes you may find good things in crop king seeds but your moreless supporting a company that steal strain or atleast the name from other breeder who did not allow crop king to use in there work. so its hard telling what you may end up getting...
It has been brought to my attention that Crop King Seeds is selling fake knock off versions of my strains Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.
I reached out to them about a month ago. I spoke to a lady on the phone, I voiced my concerns and she assured me that she would have someone returned my call.
It has been a month now and several fans have contacted me to tell me that Crap King is at Cannacon selling fake Genetics with my strain names.
So I reached out again today, spoke with the lady who answered the phone who put me in touch with a manager that returned my call.
They want me to provide legal documentation that these strains belong to me.
I actually do have legal documentation that those names belong to me for use in the cannabis industry.
but why should I have to go through the trouble of paying for my attorney to provide this information for them when it’s easily googled.
I told the guy on the phone to simply type into Google Agent Orange Cannabis Strain.
He tells me that Leafly comes up and so does All Buds with some reviews.
I said great click on Leafly and tell me what it is it says.
Who does it say that Agent Orange was created by?
he told me he could no longer discuss it with me when he actually saw in print that it belongs to me.
Any Google search will turn up the Agent Orange and Jilly Bean belong to me, TGA Subcool.
I am not the only breeder that they have done this to, they have also done this to @_jinxproof .
Jinx was lucky enough to get them to remove the fraudulent listings for his strains.
Maybe because he has more followers or maybe because he’s a guy and women don’t really get the respect deserved in this male-dominated industry.
I wrote an article for High Times Mag in 2007 telling the story about my Orange Velvet and the offspring Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.
My deceased spouse Subcool wrote a book called DANK in 2008, one of the listed strains created by me/us was Agent Orange.
By all means, please continue to order from crop king seeds, as long as you are aware you’re supporting their scummy business practices of fucking over skilled and passionate breeders.The fact that I am getting 1gm per watt on my first grow since 2013 should tell your clown ass that I am far from a "noob". Does it really seem like I give a damn about a troll?? Are they gonna smoke this good green for me?? "Two penny comments" is EXACTLY what you brought to this post...and if you knew how to properly conjugate your nouns and adjectives you would know that my description of your weak ass thoughts was grammatically correct. You obviously skipped a few english classes in your day but there's no need for me to dwell on that, anybody reading your 2nd grade level ramblings already know what it is. Smh...and here's the difference between people like you and people like me...I don't need any fans or cosigners to do what I need to do. I KNOW how to grow good marijuana very, very well. Secondly, I don't judge people according to what other people have to say about them, I judge people off of my personal experiences with them...only weak minded mfs form opinions based on the opinions of others. I had a great experience doing business with Crop King Seeds. Period. Now, my advice to you would be to just chalk this minor interaction between us up as a learning experience because it's quite obvious that you can't fuck with me educationally or otherwise. Now carry your sappy ass back to the drawing board and conjure up a new plan of attack because this one has failed miserably.
Im so sorry to hear this you deserve all the respect anyone else does....... I really hope they end up taking you serious and stop stealing others work.
I am just a consumer looking for the best product at the best price. Crop King was there and I tried them and I liked them. I have no problem supporting ANY breeder who has a superior product at a reasonable price.By all means, please continue to order from crop king seeds, as long as you are aware you’re supporting their scummy business practices of fucking over skilled and passionate breeders.
Also, let’s ignore all the other ethical vendors that actually supports our cannabis community like terpy seeds, TSC, etc..
That’ll show them!