BK’s shit show

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I've used a coffee grinder, but I don't like the consistency. I wish someone would make a large electric grinder specifically for cannabis, but I've never seen one. I have a 3" Chromium Crusher that sucks. I've been wanting to upgrade.

I've never heard of Brilliant Cut grinders. I just checked out their site and they look really nice. I like how they doesn't have a center hole in the plate where the top piece's pin goes. That spot always clogs up. Did you get course, medium or fine plate, @bk78?
I've used a coffee grinder, but I don't like the consistency. I wish someone would make a large electric grinder specifically for cannabis, but I've never seen one. I have a 3" Chromium Crusher that sucks. I've been wanting to upgrade.

I've never heard of Brilliant Cut grinders. I just checked out their site and they look really nice. I like how they doesn't have a center hole in the plate where the top piece's pin goes. That spot always clogs up. Did you get course, medium or fine plate, @bk78?

i got the medium grind. See how that goes to start and maybe grab the fine grind plate if needed?
Bought my daughter a really nice grinder, dont recall the brand.

I'm still using my fingers, like a caveman.

I use my fingers depending on strain. my go to though is still a sharp clean pair of fiskars.

everyone thinks I'm crazy but I still refuse to use a grinder. I just imagine it smashing the trichs and tearing everything up. plus then u got plant matter from one strain influencing another. and I rather have all my resin go in my spliff instead of get stuck in the grinder.

now get off my lawn lol.

@bk78 that is a sweet looking grinder regardless.

have a great week everyone!
A grinder like this has been my go to since 05. It’s ground countless pounds of weed and keepskon chugging. I’ve had 2 of the pins fall out and just flipped them over and stuck them back in and they have never come back out. Every so often I scrape the outside with a blade and it stays working perfectly. I’m confident it’s actually getting better with time from the oils soaking into the wood.

I’ve used a bunch of different grinders that friends had. And honestly was never impressed. The multi chamber units always get the threads gummed up, and most of the metal grinders grind more finely then I like, I don’t like powder textured buds.
Have you seen these ? I don't have one but came across it and thought it was pretty cool. It can be used to fill cones or just to grind material. Little pricey though.

I did see that after searching last night. I like that it uses toothed plates, but the actual grinder is too small to really bother with. I'm talking something that will grind like an oz at a time. I usually grind up a bunch and put it into a lidded glass dish with a Boveda pack in it. I roll 2-3 gram joints so my ground-stash doesn't last long. Then it's back to whipping my wrist like I'm trapping out the bando.
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