Over watered? Help please


Well-Known Member
Aye thanks for the advice! Im going to actually weigh them in a few. What strain are you growing? It looks great
Thanks appreciate it :)

It's a freebie seed I got from Dutch Passion called Power Plant Auto.

Should be a nice sativa dominant hybrid :)

Next grow ill plant the seeds I got some Skywalker Haze Autos



Well-Known Member
Thanks appreciate it :)

It's a freebie seed I got from Dutch Passion called Power Plant Auto.

Should be a nice sativa dominant hybrid :)

Next grow ill plant the seeds I got some Skywalker Haze Autos

Nice! I havent tried autos yet but I plan on it on my next grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, my girls are super green. And a little droopy. Are over watered? I watered them 2 days ago and they lift a little but they still look a little off to me.
They are in foxfarm soil
I dont know the name of the lights but 2are 600wts and the other is 1000 .
If you're doing water only, then only water 5-10% water to soil volume. 5% when small working up to 10% as they get bigger. If you're watering in nutes, water to 20% runoff. Get a sprayer, it makes watering much easier and more even.


Well-Known Member
Still stumped with this one plant. The leaves are dark green and feel dry but the plant is still growing. I finally watered tofay but only because of how dry the soil was and it was pretty light in weight as well. But still just very weird to me. No extra nutes. Just the foxfarm soil And water.
Hard to tell with the light, but dark green dry leaves usually means high N. How many weeks has it been? Which fox farm?


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell with the light, but dark green dry leaves usually means high N. How many weeks has it been? Which fox farm?
this plant I adopted from a friend but to me it looks about 6-8 weeks but its been like this since ive had it(2weeks a go). Shes very branchy so it makes me want to keep it. But now im thinkn on ifShould just dump it or grow her outside