707 SeedBank Genetics

I was on the hunt for some of those Kush Cleaners beans after they posted on IG about them being available last year but what a clusterfuck it was trying to make sense out of their distribution network actually was compared what they had listed as the seed banks they use.

C'est la vie I guess.
I'm running 4 fruit jam. About 3rd week of flower, maybe 4th. 2 have a candy like lemon smell. Not the Jack's cleaner pheno I was looking for but the other 2 are quite special. The best way I can describe the one is actually a blend of fruit.. like seriously fruit jam is a great name.. but the last phone is freaking awesome.. does anyone remember riptide rush ?? I think it was kool aid but my goodness.. I most candy like grape smell ove ever smelt In a bud!! Shes incredible. Pheno hunt with regular seeds and these are the results you may get.. pretty freaking cool. Anyways just thought I'd share my 707 genetics story with yall!!! Cheers!
Seems they stretched a decent amount. I’m a few weeks from flowering some Potion d’Amour, but threw a male into flower to confirm and he stretched like a mofo

yeah that first one stretched the most, and is going to need a couple more weeks than the others. i have a 4th not pictured but structure and height are similar to the 2 others.
I popped five and got four girls. Tossed one and the one pictured was ‘culled’. I just threw her in flower in a 1gal as a test of the stretch. Now she smells too good to toss lol
I picked up a pack of the sherbet cross to get into some time

Lol that's good to hear tho, 707 did say it was his fav LBL cross for the terps & added potency. I was concerned about Jack terps like wheresthekoosh experienced but thought the Forbidden Fruit will overpower the LBL, which you are confirming. I think I got the Sherb pack too as a freebie can't remember
Lol that's good to hear tho, 707 did say it was his fav LBL cross for the terps & added potency. I was concerned about Jack terps like wheresthekoosh experienced but thought the Forbidden Fruit will overpower the LBL, which you are confirming. I think I got the Sherb pack too as a freebie can't remember
FF is definitely dominant in this girl. I have two more that just started flower so I’ll have more exposure in a few weeks
so luckily only 1 of the 4 maydays held on to the jack. My terpanese is terrible so best i got is most have a hardy burnt rubber smell... fuckin never ending flower though, chopped at 93 days.. ill get some pictures for you guys in a few