I read some stuff on here and tried making some qwiso.

Roy O'Bannon

Well-Known Member
I froze my untrimmed flower, in mason jars, in the freezer overnight. I put the jug of 70% iso in there as well.

I did 3, 30 sec iso washes and put the iso/thc the jars I had the weed in. I refroze the flower, in a gallon bag, in case I messed up.

The problem is, the coffee filters aren't letting anything through, or not much. I put the filters under the mason ring tops and turned the jars upside down in the freezer to drain overnight. It has hardly moved at all.
I'll edit with a pic.IMG_1917.JPG
I use coffee filters just fine. You need something for them to sit in so that solution can be poured in and let filter through. I use one of the metal coffee filters, with the paper ones in it, sitting in the top of a container to support it and let it drip down. There is pictures in the link in my sig line, and an explanation. Your solution looks like its a beautiful color. So once its filtered and evaped it should be some decent dabs.
I froze my untrimmed flower, in mason jars, in the freezer overnight. I put the jug of 70% iso in there as well.

I did 3, 30 sec iso washes and put the iso/thc the jars I had the weed in. I refroze the flower, in a gallon bag, in case I messed up.

The problem is, the coffee filters aren't letting anything through, or not much. I put the filters under the mason ring tops and turned the jars upside down in the freezer to drain overnight. It has hardly moved at all.
I'll edit with a pic.View attachment 4925883

How did you prep your pot before the wash? A blender or a coffee grinder makes a lot of very fine particles that if in suspension when you pour thru the filter will plug it solid right now. When you're ready to pour thru the filter pour through a kitchen strainer into a clean jar first. This gets the solvent off the buds and stops the first wash from getting full of gunk. Now leave that first pour overnight or longer, (doesn't need freezing but needs stillness), to allow the fine sediment to settle to the bottom like home brewers do. Then have another clean jar with the coffee filter ready to go and carefully decant into the filter like you do with home brew so you don't let the sediment go into the glass. If you keep the first wash in the freezer until filtering it might harden up some waxes, if any, in there to get caught in the filter. More common with 2nd and 3rd washes tho.

That reminds me about the shitload of sugar trim and popcorn in my freezer that needs making into RSO. Basically the same as QWISO but room temp overnight and just mash the buds up with a wooden spoon. I have a shitload of fresh frozen CBD bud that I'm going to try using green in naphtha as the water in the buds won't mix with it but will hold onto water soluble stuff. Then freeze until the water part freezes on the bottom and just pour the naphtha with your oil into another container for recovery or evaporation. I decarb my oil after extraction.

It's whole untrimmed nugs/flower I put in the freezer overnight then iso'ed it. I used 70%iso because I had a whole gallon of it.
It's all still in the freezer, I figure I can't mess it up in there:)
It all went really well until the filter just won't let anything through. It's been over 24hrs now in the deep freeze.
Will attempt to strain it tomorrow.
It's whole untrimmed nugs/flower I put in the freezer overnight then iso'ed it. I used 70%iso because I had a whole gallon of it.
It's all still in the freezer, I figure I can't mess it up in there:)
It all went really well until the filter just won't let anything through. It's been over 24hrs now in the deep freeze.
Will attempt to strain it tomorrow.

the only down side to 70% is it has a lot of water in it. You will end up having a tougher time evaping it and getting it totally dry. I typically suggest 90% or higher but I get you already had it and all.
I read some stuff about putting un-iodized salt in it to absorb the water.... I better go to bed, before I try to make a still :)

You'll end up with salt in your oil so don't do that.

Why not make a still? I've made a couple to clean up solvents before use. I get my naphtha from Coleman's Camp Stove fuel and can cook a whole gal can in one batch.

You could turn that 70% iso into 95% in one pass. I bought a bunch of 99% at Costco cheap and recently picked up a gal at the local feed store for $26. I bought one of those countertop distillers with a temp control to recover solvents but the seal doesn't like naphtha. I put a litre in to see how it handled it and after it started cooking solvent started leaking all around the seal and running down the sides. Talk about a fire hazard! Seems the seal soaks up the naphtha and expands then blows the seal. Once it dries out it's fine tho and works OK with EverClear or ISO. You have to watch that you don't cook all the solvent off in it or the ones without heat controls can burn your oil. I'll be watching the output of mine and stopping while there is still some solvent left then pour that out and evap the rest in a pie plate on top of a simmering pot of water.

I've distilled butane with a different DIY setup but that's not for the uninitiated. :)

It's easy to make butane boil.


I read some stuff about putting un-iodized salt in it to absorb the water.... I better go to bed, before I try to make a still :)

Don’t put salt in it. Just get a fan blowing on it spread thin in a dish. The moving air will evap the alcohol and dry out the water. It might reach a point where it looks almost milky. That’s pretty normal from some of the oils being in the water. Just keep letting it dry. Personally I don’t like using heat during the process as it will cause terpene loss.
I froze my untrimmed flower, in mason jars, in the freezer overnight. I put the jug of 70% iso in there as well.

I did 3, 30 sec iso washes and put the iso/thc the jars I had the weed in. I refroze the flower, in a gallon bag, in case I messed up.

The problem is, the coffee filters aren't letting anything through, or not much. I put the filters under the mason ring tops and turned the jars upside down in the freezer to drain overnight. It has hardly moved at all.
I'll edit with a pic.View attachment 4925883
It isn't running out, because the air can't get in. Pour it through a coffee filter in open air.
I read some stuff about putting un-iodized salt in it to absorb the water.... I better go to bed, before I try to make a still :)
A liquid is considered polar once its dielectric constant is greater than 15. Isopropyl has a dielectric constant of 19.92 and the water 80.4, so the salt and water are more attracted to one another than the alcohol. More is the key word, because salt is marginally soluble in mildly polar (+4.92) iso.

I've used both Drierite and mol sieve to dry Ethanol, but both left fine debris that passed through my #1 lab filter, so I had to distill it afterwards to clarify it. Here is that link: https://graywolfslair.com/index.php/10-the-alchemist-resource/10-19-190-proof-ethanol-from-scratch
Slightly smarter now.
I did do some more pre-filtering with 100 mesh tube I got for pressing flower. ( had already strained it with a typical metal kitchen strainer.)
Trimmed the coffee filter down and am now using a funnel. Thanks.

If I'm still f'ing it up, pls let me know.IMG_1922.JPG