Im so sorry baby girl! DO RESEARCH ON THE STRAIN, Before you grow!


Well-Known Member
The Way of Leaf articles are soooooo great. If I would of taken the time to do more research on growing Blue Dream 1st. I could of avoided the mistake I made (I feel). *I'm growing 1 single plant from seed. Using Happy Frog when young then I transplant to Ocean Forrest. I'm running a Maxisun MF1500 & using the General Hydro Trio. & also Kool Bloom & Bud Candy. Well, lack of knowledge had me going by the seed bank that had 9 weeks of flower on label. So in my mind, I wanted to flush around 8 weeks. For I heard it makes smoke smoother (if you dry/ cure right). In reality I hurt my baby. I boosted the Potassium using Kool Bloom serving on bottle as labeled. & since I thought I was on the last 2 weeks of flower. I gave them a few max doses toward week 6 or 7 & 8 of flower. Then I stopped all nutes. Including Cal Mag. Just straight distilled water. *I think I not only locked the nutes out, by the imbalance. I then went to weeks of starving them directly after. All this could of been avoided by a little research! So do yourself a favor. Google your strain & study study study. Way of leaf has some great 8 tips. I'm already studying my next strain I want to pop. To learn all about what it likes. & what it doesn't. AND How long actual grow diaries show they flower. Anyhoo, I got my medium down from 2000 to around 1200 or so with a light flush. & then gave her a decent feeding. I could actually see her leaves perk up a bit immediately after the feed. Fuck me. What was I thinking. I hope my baby girl will forgive me. For her buds are still beautiful. Thanks again for all the help yesterday. Phewww. Pics attached.



Well-Known Member


You're overcomplicating things. Start with a base line of nutes, feed about half strength and work on keeping the plant green and healthy seed to harvest.
Keep a schedule and your plants will show you what they want.
Don't worry about flushing unless you're flushing for salt build ups or accidental overfeeding. There's no reason to starve a plant of nutrients the last few weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
That plant has weeks to go. Strain phenotypes vary flower length too. Do some research on how to tell when a flower is done. People on those grow diaries harvest early and don’t always know what they’re looking at.


Well-Known Member


You're overcomplicating things. Start with a base line of nutes, feed about half strength and work on keeping the plant green and healthy seed to harvest.
Keep a schedule and your plants will show you what they want.
Don't worry about flushing unless you're flushing for salt build ups or accidental overfeeding. There's no reason to starve a plant of nutrients the last few weeks of flower.
Exactly the lesson I learned. Agree completely. The buds were already BIG & Green when I was using half of recommended dose. Then I went & tried to do max doses toward (what I thought was) the end. Yuuup. Ya live & ya grow. Wont happen again!


Well-Known Member
That plant has weeks to go. Strain phenotypes vary flower length too. Do some research on how to tell when a flower is done. People on those grow diaries harvest early and don’t always know what they’re looking at.
Right on. I appreciate the feedback. I am learning quick! I want to do this right. I need good medicine. So thank you.


Well-Known Member
Just FYI, in case you didn't know, Fox Farms Ocean Forest (enough of it) can carry a plant all the way through flowering with minimal supplemental feeding needed only near the end.
Good luck friend!


Well-Known Member
They still have a long way to go. I would offer them a little fish emulsion, epsom salt and (since your in ff soil) some Big Bloom.


Well-Known Member
I only flushed after I had a Potassium lock out. & Yes. I understand now. Thank you.
Well, when I say flush I mean I ran a few gallons through her to clean out the overfeed. Then yes, I started to use only water for I thought she was on last 2 weeks. I now know to dont go by # of months. But to actually read the plant & watch development & trichomes. I definitely wont be flushing at end anymore. Thanks for your help.