Ya so quick story...the other week my buddy did a $1k order and paid him. He made another 2nd order for like $7 or $800 bucks, immediately decided against it and let the 12 hrs go by- letting the order expire . He realized he spent way to much and was going to have much more seeds than he needed so he changed his mind on the 2nd order. Gloman wasn't happy, he emailed him saying he lost $200 because he has to pay like $5 or $10 for every order invoice, I don't know the whole thing didn't make any sense, doubt he lost money. Granted my buddy shouldn't have made a 2nd order if he wasn't sure he wanted it but he did just cash out a $1000 order hours before, I mean you got to give your customers breaks, especially the ones that drop coin.
My friend already got his seeds by the way, he was a bit worried about his order because he thought he might have pissed him off.