Cotyleden leaf is wierd color


Active Member
Left in propagator for 5ish days, just transplanted to soil. Is mold? My propagator smelled kinda musty but i ran it anyway. All the other seedlings are green, with the exception of a slightly brown tip of the root coming out the bottom of the wool. Did I fuck up. Should I toss em? Are they gonna just develop root rot? How did I fuck up this bad.



Active Member
Hoping someone will say 'nah man, you didnt account for the heatwave and that on top of the extra 10 degrees of the heat mat caused the seedling to use up more energy and the leaf is turning naturally yeallow' plz

Alter Jean

Well-Known Member
Hoping someone will say 'nah man, you didnt account for the heatwave and that on top of the extra 10 degrees of the heat mat caused the seedling to use up more energy and the leaf is turning naturally yeallow' plz
Looks cool to me just a bit dry. Sounds like you already answered your own question!

Give it some water. Maybe mist it a bit since it was sitting in the propagator and you brought it out into the heatwave.

The cotylendons are OK to be a bit weird although it's nice to have good looking ones. I can't see the detail on the brown stuff but it's the true leaves you want to watch. In any case it could be the embryo from the seed shell just hanging out there. I don't think you messed up as bad as you think.

Let it grow :blsmoke:


Active Member
Looks cool to me just a bit dry. Sounds like you already answered your own question!

Give it some water. Maybe mist it a bit since it was sitting in the propagator and you brought it out into the heatwave.

The cotylendons are OK to be a bit weird although it's nice to have good looking ones. I can't see the detail on the brown stuff but it's the true leaves you want to watch. In any case it could be the embryo from the seed shell just hanging out there. I don't think you messed up as bad as you think.

Let it grow :blsmoke:
Thank goodness, I just needed a second opinion. It was a freebie cbd seed, but I want it to go along with the same schedule as the others. Using it to make a fun ton of topical creme.


Well-Known Member
Looks fine. I'd recommend cleaning your equipment before using in the future,especially if things smell funky . You didnt f up this time but making an f it decision instead of cleaning for 5 minutes could end up giving you headaches. You learn by mistakes and it seems you thought you were making a mistake and did it anyway.....

T macc

Well-Known Member
Yea, your medium looks dry dry. I personally never used a propagator, I dont even suggest them. The heat mat is good when it's cold. Other than that, just keep the soil moist and have patience. Your plant will survive, and good luck!


Active Member
Yea, your medium looks dry dry. I personally never used a propagator, I dont even suggest them. The heat mat is good when it's cold. Other than that, just keep the soil moist and have patience. Your plant will survive, and good luck!
Yee forsure thank you. The rockwool was still super moist so I didnt water them in yet, but I watered them all this morning.