Some yellowing in mid flower would you change anything?


Well-Known Member
These are all clones from the same mother. If anything I’m thinking they’re just underfed since I’ve been pretty light on the feedings and this plant gets big fast. They’re getting Jacks 10-30-20 at ~800 ppm per feeding. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
could be right on the pH as i stopped pH-ing water altogether this grow... feed has been at 6.5-7.0


Well-Known Member
They look good. Id up nuts slightly next time and let them dry out a day extra before watering. just a tweak.


Well-Known Member
The plants and buds look good except for the yellowing and sideways twisting of the leaves. I had a twist like that before it was phootoperiod related if I remember correctly. Your yellowing leaves look off. They're half yellow on one side or splotchy yellow; doesn't look like N deficiency. How's your PH? Here's a deficiency chart I like.
It’s a form of variegation.

some people thinks it’s a disease called TMV some strains are more prone to variegation or mottling.

I’m running a white Siberian from dinafem that’s showing slight variegation on a couple of blades.


Well-Known Member
It’s a form of variegation.

some people thinks it’s a disease called TMV some strains are more prone to variegation or mottling.

I’m running a white Siberian from dinafem that’s showing slight variegation on a couple of blades.
Ok good to know, thanks! I looked up TMV, interesting... hope it's not that cuz I'd like to keep growing this plant, the weed is fantastic