(1st Grow) All Cloudy Now. With a few Ambers.. .


Well-Known Member
Good Morning. I've learned, well.. for me atleast. That you only really need 1 plant.. . If you do it right. 1 plant is all you need to harvest a good amount for personal use. My next grow I will def. Keep it Simple, Stupid. I've learned you dont need a bunch of nutes. The goal is to keep her healthy & green. That can be achieved & should already be with out adding alot of bottled nutes. *wait till she fades on her own. That tells you she needs some luv. ** & not overwatering (or under watering, for that matter). I will say I am intrigued by Mammoth P & Recharge now. Although that's a whole different post/ grow. Ha. ***Here's a few pics of my current. I am strictly growing 1 plant at a time. To self medicate. I am a recovering addict trying to stay away from opiates. Herb is a beautiful thing! Ra ra ra. See attachments. Thx. For growing & showing.



Well-Known Member
Good Morning. I've learned, well.. for me atleast. That you only really need 1 plant.. . If you do it right. 1 plant is all you need to harvest a good amount for personal use. My next grow I will def. Keep it Simple, Stupid. I've learned you dont need a bunch of nutes. The goal is to keep her healthy & green. That can be achieved & should already be with out adding alot of bottled nutes. *wait till she fades on her own. That tells you she needs some luv. ** & not overwatering (or under watering, for that matter). I will say I am intrigued by Mammoth P & Recharge now. Although that's a whole different post/ grow. Ha. ***Here's a few pics of my current. I am strictly growing 1 plant at a time. To self medicate. I am a recovering addict trying to stay away from opiates. Herb is a beautiful thing! Ra ra ra. See attachments. Thx. For growing & showing.
Nice grow. But it's still got lots of time left before it's ready. GL


Well-Known Member
A few weeks yet see all the white hairs sticking up if you have a 30× magnifying glass you can see they're like little sausages that burst open when they burst it fills in will bud and leaves the end of the hair sticking out which then go brown and fold back down on the bud then they're ready tricomes can lie to you yeah fucked up but they lie good news is your buds are gonna get much bigger in the next few weeks if you have the patience good luck they look great though


Well-Known Member
A few weeks yet see all the white hairs sticking up if you have a 30× magnifying glass you can see they're like little sausages that burst open when they burst it fills in will bud and leaves the end of the hair sticking out which then go brown and fold back down on the bud then they're ready tricomes can lie to you yeah fucked up but they lie good news is your buds are gonna get much bigger in the next few weeks if you have the patience good luck they look great though
Yes. I have patience. I will watch the red hairs. Cuz yea, still too many white hairs.