Update post on the gender of my plant!(:


New Member
So it’s been a few weeks since I posted trying to figure out the sex of my plant! I’ve taken some new pictures to see if I can get any closer to figuring it out! I’ve never grown before so I’m stabbing in the dark on this! Its been growing on my porch outside for the best sunlight! Since I’m kind of just letting it grow I don’t have temp/ph/lighting info! I’m just here to figure out what I’ve got if possible! Thank you! :peace:
also if I need to take better pics I can definitely do so!



Well-Known Member
Look like males to me. But it might be too early still??? Pictures could be more clear.
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Well-Known Member
I’d check real close under the leaves, last picture I see webbing between the nodes/leaves. Possibly spider mite or a rouge spider, I’d still check though