High humidity


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I hope this finds you well.

Hey guys, um these past few weeks there has been constant rain where I live. I have a cheap hygrometer and well seems like when it rains humidity inside my tent reaches around 68%, and my hygrometer has a 5% error so it is (63% , 73%). which is a too much for flower I presume.

Do you guys know a homemade remedy for high humidity? Im not sure I can afford a dehumidifier at this moment, next grow for sure tho.
Thank you!
So, no miracle method :( ? Damn I just spent some money on that playstation plus thing.... this sucks. I'll get some leaves while I get the money then. I dont see any signs of mold yet, the flowers have just started to fill, maybe im on time.
Get potassium bicarbonate 1-2 tsp mix with ½ gallon of water and ½gallon of straight (no camphor or other additives) 70% isopropyl alcohol. Spray everything. Potassium bicarbonate will raise the ph of the surface of the plant and help prevent fungal infections. It won't hurt the buds.
Good luck friend!
Get potassium bicarbonate 1-2 tsp mix with ½ gallon of water and ½gallon of straight (no camphor or other additives) 70% isopropyl alcohol. Spray everything. Potassium bicarbonate will raise the ph of the surface of the plant and help prevent fungal infections. It won't hurt the buds.
Good luck friend!
All right, ill do that man. Thanks a lot.
I know dehumidifiers are a lot but for a permeant solution I'd suggest another exhaust fan thats cheaper. That way if it ever happens again you wont have to worry about buying more and more stuff to spray and fix the problem. Grab a cheap inline fan and ducting and that should be enough to get rid of the humidity by at least 10-20%
Yo bro, look for a cheap dehumidifier. There are small ones that are cheap and you just have to empty them more often . Also, grab some SLF from a hydro store or online..it’ll keep the soil clean and prevent mold and fungus knats...you always want a couple fungus knat tho....it lets you know the microbome is functioning...too many knats means mold, no knats too dry. Watch for fungus knats and keep fans oscillating.
Thanks for the help guys, maybe in the future ill get a second exhaust fan as suggested, whenever I get these rainy times it'll come in handy. The small dehumidifier is something I might be able to aquire, but...
Those did not do a shit
Does this means that a small one won't do the work?
If the humidity out side the tent is high then its impossible to lower humidity with a dehumidifier unless you seal the tent.Then heat becomes an issue.You can dehumidifier your lung room but again youll need a big one and the heat again.Best is too have a lot of fans and as said above treat for mold before it happens.
Thanks for the help guys, maybe in the future ill get a second exhaust fan as suggested, whenever I get these rainy times it'll come in handy. The small dehumidifier is something I might be able to aquire, but...

Does this means that a small one won't do the work?
It will but not as much as expected. You would have to put it directly in the tent and use up space you could be using for other activities and it won't be doing much with airflow. Plus price to performance I'd suggest just getting a bunch of exhaust fans for the same price as a dehumidifier. That way the extra fans will not only keep the humidity lower but also Temps and chances of mold.
My average humidity locally is 80% it doesn't matter how big a fan I use its only going to pull in 80% still, I have to address the problem inside the tent with heat or a dehumidifier and sometimes both depending on the temperature, it easy to run away with heat trying to control humidity.
If the humidity out side the tent is high then its impossible to lower humidity with a dehumidifier unless you seal the tent.Then heat becomes an issue.You can dehumidifier your lung room but again youll need a big one and the heat again.Best is too have a lot of fans and as said above treat for mold before it happens.
It will but not as much as expected. You would have to put it directly in the tent and use up space you could be using for other activities and it won't be doing much with airflow. Plus price to performance I'd suggest just getting a bunch of exhaust fans for the same price as a dehumidifier. That way the extra fans will not only keep the humidity lower but also Temps and chances of mold.
My average humidity locally is 80% it doesn't matter how big a fan I use its only going to pull in 80% still, I have to address the problem inside the tent with heat or a dehumidifier and sometimes both depending on the temperature, it easy to run away with heat trying to control humidity.
All right guys, that makes sense, I'll add another fan to my tent, and I have one that produces heat, perhaps I can reduce the humidity with it like you suggest @Star Dog . Hopefully it will work. For future grows, I think ill try to sync my grows properly with the weather, like only start a grow in January and around these months, that way when flower time comes, it wont be raining, usually where I live humidity is pretty damn low, like 10-20%. Maybe ill get a decent dehumidifier just in case.
Thanks for the help guys, maybe in the future ill get a second exhaust fan as suggested, whenever I get these rainy times it'll come in handy. The small dehumidifier is something I might be able to aquire, but...

Does this means that a small one won't do the work?
It depends if he thought the “big” ones as industrial and “small” ones as just normal dehu with compresor. There also dehu parodies with fan blowing on heatsink pulling 0,5L per week and I guess he was talking about those…
Hey guys, I hope this finds you well.

Hey guys, um these past few weeks there has been constant rain where I live. I have a cheap hygrometer and well seems like when it rains humidity inside my tent reaches around 68%, and my hygrometer has a 5% error so it is (63% , 73%). which is a too much for flower I presume.

Do you guys know a homemade remedy for high humidity? Im not sure I can afford a dehumidifier at this moment, next grow for sure tho.
Thank you!

good home remidy for humidity is baking soda........here

All you have to do is put some baking soda in a bowl or open container. Then place it in the humid room or area and it will slowly absorb moisture from the air. ... When the humidity is high and there's significant dampness, musty odors are likely also present. The baking soda will help to keep the bad odor to a minimum.
I got some baking soda, I'll do that too.

Hey guus do you think I should harvest my plants as soon as I can? I was planning to harvest them on week 10 or so... like following some advice I was given, to let the buds swell, the hairs recede into the bud, let them get dense, etc. But I wonder if that density is a bad thing right now.