Most racy sativa?

Thai back in the day kept me up forever, so probably a Thai landrace. I don't have enough sativa to compare relatively, but the Ethiopian kept me up late too. It's not super strong, but if it's true that Rastas bothered to bring the seeds with them to Ethiopia then theirs would be a better opinion then mine.
Not heard of that one - what did you noticed differently between the breeders?

So take this with a grain of salt, that’s a bit of a rabbit hole discussion. But in my opinion after talking with and seeing feedback from others: those breeders we all love from the 90s/early 2000s may not be offering the original stuff from way back when in a pack you buy today.

Breeders who have kept and popped old packs, or kept/passed around the old clones are working with what is more “true to form” than what the original breeders of those legendary strains are selling today. That’s a gross oversimplification of the subject but yea. Do some searching around and form your own opinion. I wouldn’t sleep on AKBB stuff though. Lots of cool old school genetics
Tbc if those aren't the worked line that ace offers, they may be very different in effect. African genetics range from high powered coffee to psychedelic rollercoaster.

I've found the latter in ace seeds golden tiger and in the malawi.
I’ll be curious to see the difference from regs/fems. I’m sure they’ll be much different. I’m looking more forward to the regular plants to be honest. They were so expensive I’m going to do a pollination run of just those first
I decided to buy another 30 seeds of Golden Tiger regs, I think I'm going to leave updates on this thread in case people are curious. Should be in my hands in about 2 weeks.

I will be looking for a rotting meat phenotype, if I find one I will grow some Maruf Kandahar from "Indian Landrace Exchange" to breed the rotting funk of the Afghan Into the Golden Tiger in hopes of producing something rancid/rotten with extreme hybrid vigor and potency. I want something that makes my neighbors wonder if I'm Ed Gein.
I decided to buy another 30 seeds of Golden Tiger regs, I think I'm going to leave updates on this thread in case people are curious. Should be in my hands in about 2 weeks.

I will be looking for a rotting meat phenotype, if I find one I will grow some Maruf Kandahar from "Indian Landrace Exchange" to breed the rotting funk of the Afghan Into the Golden Tiger in hopes of producing something rancid/rotten with extreme hybrid vigor and potency. I want something that makes my neighbors wonder if I'm Ed Gein.
That’s a great idea! We could start a landrace group journal right here. I’ll follow suit