Whens the right time


My clones just came back from the dead after having shock them under LED lights I put them outside in the sun and they poped right up. Soooo when do I move these clones back under???


Well-Known Member
My clones just came back from the dead after having shock them under LED lights I put them outside in the sun and they poped right up. Soooo when do I move these clones back under???
What lights are they? What are the specs? How close did you have the lights to the canopy? Direct sunlight at noon is significantly more intense than you would normally have your indoor lighting set. Did you have the LEDs really close?


I have the LED on veg at all little over a foot away and it wilted them..this is now day tree of being outside..I want to bring them indoor but don't want to shock them.... should I wait for another week?


Well-Known Member
What lights are they? Manufacturer/model? What are the specs?

If they are not wilting in the Dunn, they should be fine under the LED.