I'm figuring out your island.......love those satellites!La femelle inconnue est principalement sèche. Les bourgeons sur les membres avec la pourriture ont séché séparément, et cela a été fait il y a trois jours. J'en ai essayé une partie. Pas mal.
Ce n'est pas un joint sec, mais un bol sec, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire.
Those a real cool. I have a glass chainA hot glass blower with a passion for beads........my daughter.View attachment 4933638View attachment 4933639View attachment 4933640View attachment 4933642View attachment 4933643View attachment 4933638View attachment 4933639View attachment 4933640View attachment 4933642View attachment 4933643
Thanks Alter-Jean, my daughter has a real passion for hot glass.Those a real cool. I have a glass chain
You should have her look into Cha Cha - A glass artist from Philly.Thanks Alter-Jean, my daughter has a real passion for hot glass.
Thanks for the info, I'll pass it on.....the glass is in her DNA......all my relatives on fathers side were Swedeish glass blowers brought to USA at turn of century......my great, great grandfather down to uncles.....they blew glass for industry and Steuben fine lead crystal.....have a great , chill day!You should have her look into Cha Cha - A glass artist from Philly.
Really cool stuff. That was my introduction to the glass jewelry thing.
I have a white lotus chain it keepz me protected