Is this mold


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say yes.

if as you’re pulling the bud open you see a “spiderweb” like threads then it’s botrytis.
Hey I have a question bro, if you find botrytis in say a few buds, is the rest of the plant salvageable in your opinion? I was reading up on it, and I was under the impression that the spores will pretty much be flying around your tent all willy nilly like ..

I wasn't sure if I should go by "just what I see", or should I assume that the rest of the buds are contaminated (bc of the spores)?


Well-Known Member
Hey I have a question bro, if you find botrytis in say a few buds, is the rest of the plant salvageable in your opinion? I was reading up on it, and I was under the impression that the spores will pretty much be flying around your tent all willy nilly like ..

I wasn't sure if I should go by "just what I see", or should I assume that the rest of the buds are contaminated (bc of the spores)?
At most I’ve gone about 1week to 10 days after finding some and removing the infected bud or buds.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hey I have a question bro, if you find botrytis in say a few buds, is the rest of the plant salvageable in your opinion? I was reading up on it, and I was under the impression that the spores will pretty much be flying around your tent all willy nilly like ..

I wasn't sure if I should go by "just what I see", or should I assume that the rest of the buds are contaminated (bc of the spores)?
I'd assume contamination and chuck it.