Spider mites at the end of flower.....


Active Member
So here 8n western Canada it got fuccccking hot and dry and I couldn't control my environment at all a d I had a huge explosion of spider mites. I figured they where there before and used a fogger right before flip a d 2 weeks in. But I guess the heat and dryness helped them grow. Anyhow 2 questions one tips to get rid of them for this grow. Second is I want to reuse my. Soil over and over again. How do I get their population down again to manageable. I just figure organics you'll get bugs. And lady bugs aren't around me at the garden shops this summer for some reason. Thanks you in advance
So here 8n western Canada it got fuccccking hot and dry and I couldn't control my environment at all a d I had a huge explosion of spider mites. I figured they where there before and used a fogger right before flip a d 2 weeks in. But I guess the heat and dryness helped them grow. Anyhow 2 questions one tips to get rid of them for this grow. Second is I want to reuse my. Soil over and over again. How do I get their population down again to manageable. I just figure organics you'll get bugs. And lady bugs aren't around me at the garden shops this summer for some reason. Thanks you in advance
For predator insects in Canada, I’d recommend

yeah that heatwave was nuts! I live Western Canada as well, wished then I didn’t!
40+C is just too much.
So here 8n western Canada it got fuccccking hot and dry and I couldn't control my environment at all a d I had a huge explosion of spider mites. I figured they where there before and used a fogger right before flip a d 2 weeks in. But I guess the heat and dryness helped them grow. Anyhow 2 questions one tips to get rid of them for this grow. Second is I want to reuse my. Soil over and over again. How do I get their population down again to manageable. I just figure organics you'll get bugs. And lady bugs aren't around me at the garden shops this summer for some reason. Thanks you in advance

If late flower, just continue to hit them twice a day with a good spray of room temperature water and keep and fans on them circulating air into the canopy from the bottom, and also blowing down onto the colas from above. Since you're near/at the end of flower, the mites will get put-off by your maturing buds and seem to abandon them in the ripening stage. The stage when they build literal "tents" over your colas with webs (if you don't spray) means their civilization is ending soon. They've finished sucking the easy leaves below, and are then trying to get higher looking for something tender and edible. They hate trichomes though, hence the webs. They're just trying to get higher in the plant as their food source is getting less attractive below.
If late flower, just continue to hit them twice a day with a good spray of room temperature water and keep and fans on them circulating air into the canopy from the bottom, and also blowing down onto the colas from above. Since you're near/at the end of flower, the mites will get put-off by your maturing buds and seem to abandon them in the ripening stage. The stage when they build literal "tents" over your colas with webs (if you don't spray) means their civilization is ending soon. They've finished sucking the easy leaves below, and are then trying to get higher looking for something tender and edible. They hate trichomes though, hence the webs. They're just trying to get higher in the plant as their food source is getting less attractive below.
The PYRETHRIN is listed on O.R.M.I.'S page. Organic Materials Review Institute. You can use this up to day of harvest. PYRETHRIN is an instant kill that disapates within hours, no residues at all. This stuff kills 100% of ANY plant and soil insect/larvae. The insects cannot build immunities against PYRETHRIN. ✌️
The PYRETHRIN is listed on O.R.M.I.'S page. Organic Materials Review Institute. You can use this up to day of harvest. PYRETHRIN is an instant kill that disapates within hours, no residues at all. This stuff kills 100% of ANY plant and soil insect/larvae. The insects cannot build immunities against PYRETHRIN. ✌
Also non selective byebye soil mites that took montha to build up

Pyrethrin is actually toxic to fish if it gets in the waterways.
Pemethrin is the synthetic version of pyrethrin and used more in agricultur as it lasts longer.
But in either cases both would work just the same i gues as your at the late stage...
During every crop, I use permethrin when i start a new crop as welll as when i start 12/12. It lasts ages and any bug that goes into your grow room dies. It even controls gnats as they land on any surface they'll die Just remember don't mop or wipe the room after you bomb as you'll be removing the layer of insecticide !

REMEMBER to cover your temperaure/humidity sensors when you bomb as some are sensitive to it.
Habanero pepper spray.

Boil habanero (or hotter) peppers in water, dilute it 10:1, put it in a spray bottle, put on some PPE and cover your plants with it. Then, watch the confusion in the movement of the bugs that were once fucking with your plants. The pests are then given a choice; starve or die eating the capsasin coated leaves of your plants.

Only "catch" to this method of pest control is that it needs to be applied daily (multiple times a day in severe cases outdoors).

It can be used all the way up until harvest with zero ill consequences. The capsasin will evaporate long before the drying process completes.

You have no idea how many incredible top nugs I've seem caterpillars munch on in my day. I've lost pounds to those fuckers in my time, so I tend to stick around and watch worms/pests squirm trying to eat my plants after I spray this shit. Little fuckers.
Habanero pepper spray.

Boil habanero (or hotter) peppers in water, dilute it 10:1, put it in a spray bottle, put on some PPE and cover your plants with it. Then, watch the confusion in the movement of the bugs that were once fucking with your plants. The pests are then given a choice; starve or die eating the capsasin coated leaves of your plants.

Only "catch" to this method of pest control is that it needs to be applied daily (multiple times a day in severe cases outdoors).

It can be used all the way up until harvest with zero ill consequences. The capsasin will evaporate long before the drying process completes.

You have no idea how many incredible top nugs I've seem caterpillars munch on in my day. I've lost pounds to those fuckers in my time, so I tend to stick around and watch worms/pests squirm trying to eat my plants after I spray this shit. Little fuckers.
Real gardeners comment there. 100%support that.
Or neem for god sake its tried n tested works 100% why the hell wudnt u use the safe shit why do we always try find better when best is alredy pro
Real gardeners comment there. 100%support that.
Or neem for god sake its tried n tested works 100% why the hell wudnt u use the safe shit why do we always try find better when best is alredy pro

Not knocking anyone when I say this, but fact is, it is so easy to think things like "habanero spray, that's too simple, no way that works. I have to meticulously brew an aerated tea made of various ingredients that I've sourced around the world, and then I have to play music and do a special song and dance. The plants could NEVER survive without MEEEEEE."

Wrong. Growing plants is one of the most humbling experiences of all. As I've pointed out many times, plants have never needed human intervention to survive. Even more humbling (and equally hilarious) is how small and seemingly insignificant the creatures involved in this process are. The tiny and humble little earthworm, and microbes so tiny and microscopic that billions could fit on your fingernail.

Rosemary, Cilantro, Dill, Thyme, Chives, Garlic, and Basil are all capable of preventing tons of pest just on their own. Plus they make your food dank as fuck too, win win ;p Grow herbs, AND weed.

Worm castings contain chitin, and also host springtails, silverwings, and red mites (good guys), not to mention soldier flies.

And all of the above doesn't even account for the Neem Meal top dresses (6-1-2 NPK + IPM). If for some reason all of the above fails, I literally go nuclear and use the habanero spray. In fact, I use the habanero spray anyway just for shits and giggles. Doesn't hurt and can only help.

Interesting thing about bugs; you have bugs, its just a matter of how long it takes for you to notice them. By the time you notice them, they've likely gained control and you are too late.

I like to joke with people that I actually don't know what the fuck I'm doing at all. The only reason I appear to know what I'm doing is because I fuck off and let things be. Turns out that does a hell of a lot more than cultivating sprouted seed teas, EM1 inoculations, compost/nutrient teas, or whatever is "en vogue" to sell shit these days.
Not knocking anyone when I say this, but fact is, it is so easy to think things like "habanero spray, that's too simple, no way that works. I have to meticulously brew an aerated tea made of various ingredients that I've sourced around the world, and then I have to play music and do a special song and dance. The plants could NEVER survive without MEEEEEE."

Wrong. Growing plants is one of the most humbling experiences of all. As I've pointed out many times, plants have never needed human intervention to survive. Even more humbling (and equally hilarious) is how small and seemingly insignificant the creatures involved in this process are. The tiny and humble little earthworm, and microbes so tiny and microscopic that billions could fit on your fingernail.

Rosemary, Cilantro, Dill, Thyme, Chives, Garlic, and Basil are all capable of preventing tons of pest just on their own. Plus they make your food dank as fuck too, win win ;p Grow herbs, AND weed.

Worm castings contain chitin, and also host springtails, silverwings, and red mites (good guys), not to mention soldier flies.

And all of the above doesn't even account for the Neem Meal top dresses (6-1-2 NPK + IPM). If for some reason all of the above fails, I literally go nuclear and use the habanero spray. In fact, I use the habanero spray anyway just for shits and giggles. Doesn't hurt and can only help.

Interesting thing about bugs; you have bugs, its just a matter of how long it takes for you to notice them. By the time you notice them, they've likely gained control and you are too late.

I like to joke with people that I actually don't know what the fuck I'm doing at all. The only reason I appear to know what I'm doing is because I fuck off and let things be. Turns out that does a hell of a lot more than cultivating sprouted seed teas, EM1 inoculations, compost/nutrient teas, or whatever is "en vogue" to sell shit these days.
Notill for the win. My soil is alive lol.
Love my mites they come to greet me daily lol
If late flower, just continue to hit them twice a day with a good spray of room temperature water and keep and fans on them circulating air into the canopy from the bottom, and also blowing down onto the colas from above. Since you're near/at the end of flower, the mites will get put-off by your maturing buds and seem to abandon them in the ripening stage. The stage when they build literal "tents" over your colas with webs (if you don't spray) means their civilization is ending soon. They've finished sucking the easy leaves below, and are then trying to get higher looking for something tender and edible. They hate trichomes though, hence the webs. They're just trying to get higher in the plant as their food source is getting less attractive below.
Sounds like you're speaking from experience. I hate the microscopic lil fuckers.
If you wanna save your soil etc. Better send some Persimillis out. And californicus once the they are suppressed enough. The best thing I like about persimillis is that they are ferocious as fuck when you open the jars they come running out immediately to fuck some shit up Picture taken 2 seconds after opening 957B1BFF-0393-40E5-85A3-80CA2AE6DB68.jpeg
The PYRETHRIN is listed on O.R.M.I.'S page. Organic Materials Review Institute. You can use this up to day of harvest. PYRETHRIN is an instant kill that disapates within hours, no residues at all. This stuff kills 100% of ANY plant and soil insect/larvae. The insects cannot build immunities against PYRETHRIN. ✌
I have googled it a not sure if I can get it in Canada
Look for Safer's End ALL Concentrate. That's my go to nuclear option when natural remedies fail me. Pretty sure it contains pyrethrin. Found at Can Tire.

Don't spray that in late flower though, but I guess I'm stating the obvious. Unfortunately in late flower (when the issue is often first noticed) the options are much more limited. At that stage, all you want to do is make it to harvest without riding off the entire grow as a loss.
Pyrethrin is actually toxic to fish if it gets in the waterways.
Pemethrin is the synthetic version of pyrethrin and used more in agricultur as it lasts longer.
But in either cases both would work just the same i gues as your at the late stage...
During every crop, I use permethrin when i start a new crop as welll as when i start 12/12. It lasts ages and any bug that goes into your grow room dies. It even controls gnats as they land on any surface they'll die Just remember don't mop or wipe the room after you bomb as you'll be removing the layer of insecticide !

REMEMBER to cover your temperaure/humidity sensors when you bomb as some are sensitive to it.
No residues, no immunity I've been using it forever and a day.
The PYRETHRIN is listed on O.R.M.I.'S page. Organic Materials Review Institute. You can use this up to day of harvest. PYRETHRIN is an instant kill that disapates within hours, no residues at all. This stuff kills 100% of ANY plant and soil insect/larvae. The insects cannot build immunities against PYRETHRIN. ✌

It doesn't "disapate" within hours or otherwise by itself. It's broken down via UV in natural sunlight very fast however and good for food crops outdoors up to the day of harvest. Pyrethrins break down much slower in indoor environments where spider mite issues are more common. Here where I live, Health Canada has pretty strict rules about left-over pyrethrins in both fresh (< 0.025 ppm) and dried bud (< 0.05) respectively, otherwise your crop is worthless and must be destroyed. I'm sure they set those limits for a reason.

The other problem with pyrethrins is that they are not very effective against spider mites compared to real miticides unless you use concentrations above that which would not also harm your plant. They are also a contact poison which means that every leaf surface (especially undersides) and every stem must be sprayed in order to get them all. And multiple applications would be necessary. (Believe me, after half a dozen applications to a houseplant I once had indoors with Safer's End ALL, spider mites still returned. I ended up having to throw the damn plant outside which solved the issue ;)