Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Friday the 13th …. Magic Meth day

Reminds me of those doom prophets …
Day comes , nothing happens .
Actually Aug 13th sounds around the right time for NY state indictments to drop against Trump himself. I wonder if they will purp walk him like the weasel! The Trump org has about a dozen "executives" who know the score, including his kids, how many do you think will flip on Donald, especially since Donald will blame them? They also have a paper trail a mile wide and can prove the case with documents alone, but tour guides would be nice too. They are gonna use NY's version of RICO on them and the declare the Trump org a criminal enterprise, giving them the ability to seize assets. Donald might go under financially, before he goes to the big house, if banks and other lenders start calling loans.

It's gonna be an interesting summer and fall, watching Donald and family dance on the red hot stove top. Also the DOJ and IRS are getting heat over the federal taxes and crimes involved here, but will let NY state make their case for them. Then there are the other criminal issues Donald faces, along with a multitude of civil lawsuits.


Well-Known Member
These tools are all wishful thinking and arrogant fronting…they believe in fairy tales, and self-gaslighting isn’t even a *kind* of magic, it’s just self-delusion. No sympathy for their actions. For them being fooled for decades, and for the ever-escalating insults, derision, and baseless accusations; for them refusing to believe that the people who’ve been ‘guiding’ them for so long have been taking advantage of them the whole time; for never, ever even THINKING about the things they believe - and about whether they add up in any way at all; for insisting that police execution of black citizens on the streets of the USA is somehow normal, natural, and to be expected; for talking about the 1/6 attack on the Capitol as if it were the March of fucking dimes…no sympathy.

No sympathy for their pain, which they blame on those the real villains have set up for revenge…no sympathy for the shock of learning they’ve been used and abused by their own side…no sympathy for their disappointment that their made-in-China “Patriotism(tm)” has their neighbors and co-workers shunning them…no sympathy for their sudden discovery that this kind of attention isn’t COMFORTABLE.

Back in the age of activism - before we (and they) realized how *much* influence they had - it was known that comfortable people NEVER WAKE UP…they don’t have to…that’s WHY protests, that’s WHY in-your-face confrontation, that’s WHY flipping the arguments to make the points explicit: because people will NOT a accept the truth until they are forced to by circumstance - if that truth run contrary to their belief. They should know better. WE ALL should know better, and expect better of ourselves, and of each other. If self-government is going to survive in ANY form in the US it will be because we stop accepting spin as truth, bullshit for substance, “many people saying” as equivalent to the known and established facts.

There are no alternate facts: there is phenomenal (based in reality) and imaginary (based in imagination). Imaginary reality we call entertainment, fiction, religion, delusion…. When I was in school, no one talked about ‘critical thinking’, but if you couldn’t *think* about the question, and provide a connected answer that made sense in terms of the verifiable facts and the weight of experience backing them up, YOU FAILED. Not just in school, but no employers wanted people that…alienated back then, that disconnected from the ‘American Experiment’ itself. This fucking madness must end…it’s the death of us if we can’t stop it.

What we’re dealing with is a fundamental split in the national psyche. We believe in freedom, liberty, self-determination, independence…yet we also believe that *we* (pick a sub-tribal selection) have an infallible innate sense of who is or isn’t “one of us”, and “we” (some of us) are quite comfortable policing what “others” do with their personal integrity…but that’s not the split.

The split is between those of us who believe “it’s every (man) for (him)self”, and those who believe “we’re all in this together”.


Well-Known Member
‘Rehearsal For 2024’: Threat Of Overturned Election Keeps Experts Up At Night

“I can’t overstate how concerned I am about our democracy at this moment,” says election expert Rick Hasan.


Well-Known Member
‘Rehearsal For 2024’: Threat Of Overturned Election Keeps Experts Up At Night

“I can’t overstate how concerned I am about our democracy at this moment,” says election expert Rick Hasan.
i agree; i don't like what i'm seeing; there's going to be trouble.


Well-Known Member
i agree; i don't like what i'm seeing; there's going to be trouble.
And I told a friend of this danger when Trump got elected. He said after four years the country would realize they made a mistake. I said no, the damage would be lasting.


Well-Known Member
Here’s a doozy …. White Bald headed Karen harassing a neighbor , getting all racist.
This fat fuck apparently has been a habitual harasser. I probably won’t say what I would have done if this bald trashcan did this to me , it wouldn’t be MOD friendly .

Here is the epic conclusion - Watch for the BLM flag christening ( hilarious )
Dumbfuck threw gauntlet down and gave out his address as a challenge - well a crowd showed up ….

Stupid ass White supremacy fuck off


Well-Known Member
Here’s a doozy …. White Bald headed Karen harassing a neighbor , getting all racist.
This fat fuck apparently has been a habitual harasser. I probably won’t say what I would have done if this bald trashcan did this to me , it wouldn’t be MOD friendly .

Here is the epic conclusion - Watch for the BLM flag christening ( hilarious )
Dumbfuck threw gauntlet down and gave out his address as a challenge - well a crowd showed up ….

Stupid ass White supremacy fuck off
I feel bad for those cops.



Well-Known Member
Here’s a doozy …. White Bald headed Karen harassing a neighbor , getting all racist.
This fat fuck apparently has been a habitual harasser. I probably won’t say what I would have done if this bald trashcan did this to me , it wouldn’t be MOD friendly .

Here is the epic conclusion - Watch for the BLM flag christening ( hilarious )
Dumbfuck threw gauntlet down and gave out his address as a challenge - well a crowd showed up ….

Stupid ass White supremacy fuck off
Now ya know why so many Trumpers and others hide their racism and bigotry or try to. Being overtly racist is dangerous in these days of cellphone videos and social media and can lead to the loss of a job or business. It's why they need the culture wars as proxy wars and are more than willing to believe the most transparent lies that most children would dismiss as ridiculous. It kinda looks like our hero is a day drinker and I imagine the black guy will sue his ass with the video evidence and court case in hand. He might not have to worry about black people as neighbors when they end up owning his house.


Well-Known Member
Trump-allied GOP chairs turn on fellow Republicans
State Republican Party chairs who have bought into former President Trump’s lies of widespread election malfeasance are turning their fire on fellow Republicans who have acknowledged the reality of Trump’s defeat, in a turn that has longtime party leaders and strategists worried about the future of the conservative coalition.

In Arizona, state Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward has carried out a long-running feud with Gov. Doug Ducey (R), as well as members of the state legislature who do not fully support the state Senate’s so-called audit of nearly 2.1 million votes cast in Maricopa County last year.

Asked in an interview in May about state House Majority Leader Ben Toma and state Sen. Paul Boyer, two Republicans who oppose the recount, Ward laughed.

“They both will face primary challenges if they decide to run again and they stand to be replaced by actual Republicans,” Ward told The Hill. She said Ducey “isn’t standing up and fighting against critical race theory … isn’t standing up fighting for election integrity.”

In Oklahoma, new state Republican Party Chairman John Bennett addressed a rally organized by pastor Jackson Lahmeyer (R), who is challenging Sen. James Lankford in next year’s Republican primary.

Bennett told reporters last month he would support Lahmeyer because Lankford withdrew an objection to the certification of the 2020 presidential election results after the Jan. 6 insurrection. Bennett told The Oklahoman that just because a candidate is a Republican doesn’t make that candidate “the right pick.”

In Texas, state Republican Party Chairman Allen West said over the weekend he would leave his post to challenge Gov. Greg Abbott (R) in next year’s primary. West did not mention Abbott in his announcement, though the former Florida congressman said he would work to secure the southern border “to ensure that Texas is for Texans.”


Well-Known Member
Looks like Mike is back on the crack.
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn pose with bizarre 'path to Trump' diagram | Daily Mail Online

The insane 'path to Trump' conspiracy theory whiteboard used by Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn showing a maze of 'connections' between the ex-president and Jesus, Bill Barr, Ivanka, Bobby Kennedy Sr. and Lin Wood
  • The Trump loyalists posed in front of a large whiteboard with Trump's head pictured at its center
  • It shows myriad figures with 'paths to Trump' on it
  • Also contains quotations from scripture and says 'JESUS IS KING'
  • Figures whose names are attached to arrows pointing to Trump include Lin Wood, Ben Carson, Roger Stone, Sean Hannity, and Gov. Ron DeSantis
  • Commenter on video about the board said 'COVID's 100 per cent treatable' and claimed COVID tests are 'calibrated'
Pardoned former Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell can be seen posing in front of a giant whiteboard in an image Flynn shared Tuesday that shows Donald Trump at the center of a melange of political figures sprinkled with religious slogans.

The creators call it a 'path to Trump,' and it features a bizarre conglomeration of individuals with a series of lines and arrows all ultimately pointing to the former president who has turned out throngs of followers to his rallies.

'This is the path to Trump – the trail to Trump,' said an unidentified man in an April video about the whiteboard. 'We're trying to get connected, reach the man.'

Lindell, a Trump advisor who continues to promote Trump's election fraud claims, can be seen grinning in front of the board. Flynn, who was convicted of lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador before being pardoned by Trump, grins and gives a thumbs-up sign.

PatriotTakes, which says it exposes right wing extremism on the internet, posted images of the board, after Flynn posted the image of himself in front of it on his Telegram account Tuesday.

There are other more circuitous routes, such as one that lists federal prosecutor John Durham, Pastor David Bendett, Georgia lawyer Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani, the Trump lawyer, is pictured immediately to Trump's right ear, with televangelist Trump advisor pastor Paula White just below him. Both have direct arrows pointing to Trump.


The insane compilation features figures ranging from famous to obscure. Atop the board are the words 'JESUS IS KING.' The word Jesus is underlined, with a dark arrow pointing directly to Trump. A crown is drawn adjacent to the phrase.

Other listings include Trump-backing Pastor Darrell Scott, Project Veritas, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and Texas Rep. Dr. Ronny Jackson.

All have been loyal Trump backers, and many backed his effort to have Congress not accept presidential electoral votes certified by states where Trump claims there were fraud.

Many appear to have been guests on the Clay Clark podcast, and the whiteboard appears to be Clark's. A person who may be Clark can be heard discussing the poster in another man on a video posted April 17.



Well-Known Member
Looks like Mike is back on the crack.
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn pose with bizarre 'path to Trump' diagram | Daily Mail Online

The insane 'path to Trump' conspiracy theory whiteboard used by Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn showing a maze of 'connections' between the ex-president and Jesus, Bill Barr, Ivanka, Bobby Kennedy Sr. and Lin Wood
  • The Trump loyalists posed in front of a large whiteboard with Trump's head pictured at its center
  • It shows myriad figures with 'paths to Trump' on it
  • Also contains quotations from scripture and says 'JESUS IS KING'
  • Figures whose names are attached to arrows pointing to Trump include Lin Wood, Ben Carson, Roger Stone, Sean Hannity, and Gov. Ron DeSantis
  • Commenter on video about the board said 'COVID's 100 per cent treatable' and claimed COVID tests are 'calibrated'
Pardoned former Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell can be seen posing in front of a giant whiteboard in an image Flynn shared Tuesday that shows Donald Trump at the center of a melange of political figures sprinkled with religious slogans.

The creators call it a 'path to Trump,' and it features a bizarre conglomeration of individuals with a series of lines and arrows all ultimately pointing to the former president who has turned out throngs of followers to his rallies.

'This is the path to Trump – the trail to Trump,' said an unidentified man in an April video about the whiteboard. 'We're trying to get connected, reach the man.'

Lindell, a Trump advisor who continues to promote Trump's election fraud claims, can be seen grinning in front of the board. Flynn, who was convicted of lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador before being pardoned by Trump, grins and gives a thumbs-up sign.

PatriotTakes, which says it exposes right wing extremism on the internet, posted images of the board, after Flynn posted the image of himself in front of it on his Telegram account Tuesday.

There are other more circuitous routes, such as one that lists federal prosecutor John Durham, Pastor David Bendett, Georgia lawyer Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani, the Trump lawyer, is pictured immediately to Trump's right ear, with televangelist Trump advisor pastor Paula White just below him. Both have direct arrows pointing to Trump.

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The insane compilation features figures ranging from famous to obscure. Atop the board are the words 'JESUS IS KING.' The word Jesus is underlined, with a dark arrow pointing directly to Trump. A crown is drawn adjacent to the phrase.

Other listings include Trump-backing Pastor Darrell Scott, Project Veritas, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and Texas Rep. Dr. Ronny Jackson.

All have been loyal Trump backers, and many backed his effort to have Congress not accept presidential electoral votes certified by states where Trump claims there were fraud.

Many appear to have been guests on the Clay Clark podcast, and the whiteboard appears to be Clark's. A person who may be Clark can be heard discussing the poster in another man on a video posted April 17.

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