Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Im sure you are not posting to help people make safe decisions.

I again would point to the fact that over 96% of doctors (not youtube/troll doctors, but actual doctors) getting the vaccine is what people should look at. And if they are still worried they should talk to their actual human doctor and not rely on death cult trolls who are paid to spread propaganda.


No worries. The spam is endless man.

Look at the roadie with the youtube science degree pretending like they know me enough to say that.

I guessyou don't really understand that with all your flat earth conspiracy shit huh?
I’m a flat earthier now ? Your really making your team look silly man
No we weren't. I had mentioned that I home schooled my kids and you fucks jumped all over for me for that. Try to pay attention to what we were actually talking about ffs. I swear you guys are like a pack of bloodthirsty wolves, who can't stop for a minute to see the forest for the trees.
Read my reply to your home school remark dick wad then maybe you’ll understand where this conversation came from. But keep trying, you reek of desperation!
Yeah, it's only killed 4 million people.
4 million out of the 186,000,000ish that have been tested, and we know way more people then that have gotten it but just not got tested….yea I’ll take my chances as a healthy adult….now if your super old or have other health conditions that put you at danger the vaccine might be good for you
Well I shall be somewhat on topic again and announce I got my 2nd shot on Wednesday. First one was Pfizer and 2nd one was Moderna, reaction worst on the first shot then this 2nd. Although it seems if you had it you have a greater reaction to the first then to the 2nd if you didn’t. I was a symptomatic (I kept vaping which might of actually help) but the rest of family in the house got it bad and came close to losing my cousin and her husband (he came out with a partial collapse lung which seems better now) Plus i lost my aunt, (same cousin above, her mom)to Covid in April ‘20 and my neighbour lost both her parents in Whales to it within 3 weeks of each other.

So fuck anyone who says this isn’t legit, stop being a fucking puss and get the fucking shot to help everyone out in the long run. So stop listening to the fucking idiots on Fox News and other like outlets because they’re all fucking liars