Looks great, how many days & any terps yet?

I'm really not good with smells I smoke tobacco a bit.

But late at night when I do go look, only on the rub we will get a slight spicy followed by a sweeter cilantro type smell.
Cilantro = Myrcene to me which is kind of boring so I am glad it is in the back end.
I really look for the nose burning spice in these and this one is the one that tickled the nose....
but it's too subtle and complex for me to really analyze at this point.

Not much trich coverage at all yet.. I try not to keep count my days on the Sallies I find myself getting stuck with them sometimes...

I want to say it's been in there for 7 weeks. I will check later and let you know the real dates though.
how many days

I stopped smoking yesterday so I could get a better smell for you when I checked the dates. I still cannot pinpoint it. So I will wait for the smoke.
The flowers have a much sweeter smell than the stem rub though. I spent a long time trying to smell them for you and the best thing I can say is they are a sweet very floral with a tickly spice. It is very pleasent. I will keep trying to get better notes. But like I mentioned smells are not my specialty. It's fairly subjective.

She went in May 21, so I was fairly close. 7/8 weeks. The Calyx are just poking and I decided to pay more attention because of your comment.

Some trolls reported me after an arguement few days ago so this message took me a very long time to post. Snitches bro...
What's funny is they were the ones giving bunk advice. Whatever.

Here she is. Topped her after week 2 she was almost done stretching (sike, they never stop) so I could put more plants in with her.


She's polinated. But you inspired me. I am going to really pollinate the fuck out of her later tonight.
It's an experiment. 'Auto Parental BX'. If I can pop the seed and flower them while the pollen is still viable it should work.
If you look at the stacked colas on the Mex, literally from the stalk to the top that's what I need but fatter and more stout.

So we used some Auto Purple Gorilla. Pollen is still good. Below is an old pic.
Will end up with a fast version, 12/12 them explore that and try the BX theory. Hopeful :blsmoke:


I've had to get rid of a few males and a herm in the last day, I think I may have spotted another one, but I may need a week to confirm. So far 3-4 males look promising, one looks very similar to the plushberry mom and the other like the Cuvee f2. The smells range from Rosé wine and chocolate to banana cherry berry. Most of the females have mixed smells like a bag of gummies. Since this polyhbrid is 50% space queen on both parents I expected as much.

This male smells almost exactly like its mother plant.

I would say, 2 weeks until I flower them outdoors (whoever's lives nearby is about to get some potentially dank seeds) and harvest their pollen for testing on various corresponding female phenotypes.
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That's a joke, right?
Well, if they're growing outdoors, then I know it's likely they're gonna get seeded up from these males. I live in a pretty dense, almost urban environment. Indoors isnt an issue and hasn't been in the past, but outdoors is a damn shooting gallery where I live now. Everyone is growing their own bagseed and whatnot. We just got legalized a few months ago here in NY.

I plan on moving upstate this fall to start a farm with some fellows, a few year project at the very least. But upstate is the only viable option for outdoors with quality control.
I stopped smoking yesterday so I could get a better smell for you when I checked the dates. I still cannot pinpoint it. So I will wait for the smoke.
The flowers have a much sweeter smell than the stem rub though. I spent a long time trying to smell them for you and the best thing I can say is they are a sweet very floral with a tickly spice. It is very pleasent. I will keep trying to get better notes. But like I mentioned smells are not my specialty. It's fairly subjective.

She went in May 21, so I was fairly close. 7/8 weeks. The Calyx are just poking and I decided to pay more attention because of your comment.

Some trolls reported me after an arguement few days ago so this message took me a very long time to post. Snitches bro...
What's funny is they were the ones giving bunk advice. Whatever.

Here she is. Topped her after week 2 she was almost done stretching (sike, they never stop) so I could put more plants in with her.

View attachment 4942770
View attachment 4942773
View attachment 4942772
View attachment 4942771

She's polinated. But you inspired me. I am going to really pollinate the fuck out of her later tonight.
It's an experiment. 'Auto Parental BX'. If I can pop the seed and flower them while the pollen is still viable it should work.
If you look at the stacked colas on the Mex, literally from the stalk to the top that's what I need but fatter and more stout.

So we used some Auto Purple Gorilla. Pollen is still good. Below is an old pic.
Will end up with a fast version, 12/12 them explore that and try the BX theory. Hopeful :blsmoke:

View attachment 4942781


No worries I think I saw that thread. I know what you mean by describing the smell, I'll probably be saying the samething when I flower my next chuck, "sweet & floral" Sounds like a plan, crossing the long flowering sativa to hybrid or indica male. I cant wait to do that myself with new males Imhave on deck. So your seeds will be fem seeds correct?
So your seeds will be fem seeds correct?

Yes the pollen is from the reversal. So they will be fem seed.
AxP F1's. They will all be photoperiod. Will need to go to at least F4.
But I have a few other ideas in between.

Sweet & floral is pretty generic, I understand.

I like to keep it simple..

Yes to your plan. I have been searching for a pure indica male for a long time for a different Sat Mother I have.
There aren't many of those around though.

then I know it's likely they're gonna get seeded up from these males.

Well at least you are in NY... I assume this is a common thing now everywhere.
I am not the pollen courtesy police, but I do check my neighbors.

Pollen travels quite some ways. Hopefully nobody is running any exotic projects outside...
I can't imagine walking outside and finding my shit mysteriously pollenated.
Sorry if this has been answered before in this thread but I’ve been searching for a bit and have found conflicting view points. Was wondering what people’s thoughts are on making seeds where one half of the lineage comes from a feminized seed. Seems like most people say to get the most vigorous plants and avoid issues use two regs but I’ve also seen the other viewpoint say that it doesn’t really matter. Thanks I’d advance!
Sorry if this has been answered before in this thread but I’ve been searching for a bit and have found conflicting view points. Was wondering what people’s thoughts are on making seeds where one half of the lineage comes from a feminized seed. Seems like most people say to get the most vigorous plants and avoid issues use two regs but I’ve also seen the other viewpoint say that it doesn’t really matter. Thanks I’d advance!
One of the biggest benefits to reversing a keeper female as the pollen donor is that the plant you are reversing is actually showing (hopefully) desirable female traits. With regular breeding the only way to know what the male passed on as far as female traits is by growing out the progeny. Both methods have merit, but I’m leaning towards making feminized crosses for my next project.
Sorry if this has been answered before in this thread but I’ve been searching for a bit and have found conflicting view points. Was wondering what people’s thoughts are on making seeds where one half of the lineage comes from a feminized seed. Seems like most people say to get the most vigorous plants and avoid issues use two regs but I’ve also seen the other viewpoint say that it doesn’t really matter. Thanks I’d advance!
As long as the female is checking the boxes that you are looking for,then I see no problem with it..
Lots of people do it that way(s1s/herm/magical cut x keeper male)
One of the biggest benefits to reversing a keeper female as the pollen donor is that the plant you are reversing is actually showing (hopefully) desirable female traits. With regular breeding the only way to know what the male passed on as far as female traits is by growing out the progeny. Both methods have merit, but I’m leaning towards making feminized crosses for my next project.
To clarify I meant reg male pollen to fem s1 plants. But that’s a very interesting points and definitely makes me think about doing that especially cause I’d be working with a small space if I did.
As long as the female is checking the boxes that you are looking for,then I see no problem with it..
Lots of people do it that way(s1s/herm/magical cut x keeper male)
Yea good ideas I hadn’t thought of that - makes sense to me that quality of inputs would be more important than whether they’re regs or fems. Thanks.
Sorry if this has been answered before in this thread but I’ve been searching for a bit and have found conflicting view points. Was wondering what people’s thoughts are on making seeds where one half of the lineage comes from a feminized seed. Seems like most people say to get the most vigorous plants and avoid issues use two regs but I’ve also seen the other viewpoint say that it doesn’t really matter. Thanks I’d advance!
There is no difference between fems and regular seeds, the half that are female. Can anyone describe how, given a seed, they could test it to tell if it has two female parents, even in principle? Femphobia is just a general mistrust of things people deem "unnatural" and is a broscience based myth, nothing at all behind it.

If you want vigorous and consistent plants, as in a true F1 hybrid, then use two different inbred parents. The fastest / most powerful way to inbreed and develop a true breeding line is to self pollienate.
One of the biggest benefits to reversing a keeper female as the pollen donor is that the plant you are reversing is actually showing (hopefully) desirable female traits. With regular breeding the only way to know what the male passed on as far as female traits is by growing out the progeny. Both methods have merit, but I’m leaning towards making feminized crosses for my next project.

Thinking the same now, might just use my male for backup in case females aren't up to par or female pollen doesn't take.

Lol at "Femphobia" I do laugh when people say they don't clone or make mother plants out of fems.
To clarify I meant reg male pollen to fem s1 plants. But that’s a very interesting points and definitely makes me think about doing that especially cause I’d be working with a small space if I did.
With a limited population, feminized crosses make a lot of sense. As long as the female to be reversed stress tests well, that seems to be the weakest link in the process. But haven’t heard anything specifically about added vigor using a feminized mom in a reg cross.
Femphobia has been incredibly damaging. Imagine what legends like Bodhi, Mean Gene, and Professor P could do if they bred with females. Actually, you don't have to imagine, just look at what is happening with newer fem breeders on the scene like Clearwater, Tiki Madman, LIT, etc... I'm pretty sure the crosses that made JBeezy a superstar were fems. The old school breeders who wont use silver are getting steamrolled.

That said, reversing males to see what female flower traits they carry is a powerful technique for reg breeders but I'm not sure how many are using it. IMHO, if breeders aren't talking about how much work goes into their male selection it's because there's nothing to talk about. In any event, you're never going to get the selection numbers you can get when your customers are hunting your packs and sending you cuttings of their keepers. Even if you're selecting yourself, nobody is growing out 100 males and comparing progeny or reversing, much less 5,000 males. A breeder like HSC can grow out 5,000 females for a pheno hunt because it can all be sold as buds or concentrate. The game has changed, a lot.
I made s1 from cannaventure lvtk that is an s1 of his chosen pheno of the cross. The s1 i made are great with no intersex issues or duds/mutant plants.
If you self pollinate an S1, wouldn't the resulting seeds be S2? I'm pretty sure the "S" distinction is something stoners made up, but why not increase the number with each generation as in filial crosses?