Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Do you believe in the Big Bang ? Iv always wondered if the Big Bang is the origin of our universe then arnt we all living in the aftershock of a blast, so free will is not possible ? Like how they can calculate the outcome of a explosion with enough maths , whooaaa braaaaa
"Believe" is a weird word for the assumption that when you look at the way space is moving in the way it is expanding that doing the math to figure out where everything would have started out and how long it would take for things to get where they are now. Who knows everything may have expanded and contracted over and over again. Is that still 'big bang'? What do you mean by 'big bang'?

Is this some religious thing? Is the other option that everything is like 5k years old or something?

Yes ? Cause ultimately you could calculate the trajectory and speed of every atom where they will collide and how they will move from there, and so on and so fourth
Why would you think that it is not random? It is a lot easier to look backwards at how things have happened and then you can estimate what will happen from there, but

Not a tough guy, Iv just lived through a good couple things that should have killed me, I guess I’m just not that lucky :/
You'd think you would just start being safer.
if i was from another planet, and came across earth and did some investigation i'd determine that the animals and earth is wonderful, but it's infested with humans.
if i could rid the planet of these humans, much like u get rid of fleas on a dog, earth might be a great place to colonize.
lots of ufos.
history hasn't been written yet.
human to human transmission.

just a theory.
It is highly unlikely that they evolved in a place with our particular temperatures/chemical mixture is my guess. It would be a pain in the ass to colonize another planet like we live here.


Well-Known Member
"Believe" is a weird word for the assumption that when you look at the way space is moving in the way it is expanding that doing the math to figure out where everything would have started out and how long it would take for things to get where they are now. Who knows everything may have expanded and contracted over and over again. Is that still 'big bang'? What do you mean by 'big bang'?

Is this some religious thing? Is the other option that everything is like 5k years old or something?

Why would you think that it is not random? It is a lot easier to look backwards at how things have happened and then you can estimate what will happen from there, but

You'd think you would just start being safer.

It is highly unlikely that they evolved in a place with our particular temperatures/chemical mixture is my guess. It would be a pain in the ass to colonize another planet like we live here.
yet the neanderthals here think it's a good idea.


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness I’m not against the vax, but for me personally and mind you I’m not a virologist or anything it just feels rushed…but I also have a lot of distrust in big Pharma and my past experiences when I was a kid and being a guine pig for the new antidepressant/phycotics of the time that left me with permanent damage, so I acknowledge I’m bias


Well-Known Member
At some point you have to draw a line with any medicine. What if it takes fifty years to find something out about anything? There are tons of new things we've taken/consumed without such levels of scrutiny. It's also important to introspect a bit and see if there are any tribalistic alignments causing hazy vision. Just because a bunch of nazi's think schnitzel is delicious, doesn't mean it isn't delicious.


Well-Known Member
At some point you have to draw a line with any medicine. What if it takes fifty years to find something out about anything? There are tons of new things we've taken/consumed without such levels of scrutiny. It's also important to introspect a bit and see if there are any tribalistic alignments causing hazy vision. Just because a bunch of nazi's think schnitzel is delicious, doesn't mean it isn't delicious.
True, but I don’t think I could ever put my trust in pharma again, at least not in this lifetime, but I genuinely don’t want to see people in the same position I’m in, but like I say I really don’t know enough about it to make a decision so I just use my past experience


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness I’m not against the vax, but for me personally and mind you I’m not a virologist or anything it just feels rushed…but I also have a lot of distrust in big Pharma and my past experiences when I was a kid and being a guine pig for the new antidepressant/phycotics of the time that left me with permanent damage, so I acknowledge I’m bias
Id focus on why it 'feels' rushed IMO. A lot of money has gone into getting people to feel that way.

And I have no idea how old you are man, but I am guessing that 'big Pharma' wasn't writing the prescription or treating you for whatever it is that you were dealing with back then. Sorry to hear about your experiences, it is hard to get past not having good healthcare.


Well-Known Member
i figure i'm the canary in the coal mine.
not everybody likes isolation like i do.
severely weakened immune system.
no vaccine. that means a human that can't socially distance like me, can have mine.
zero contact with humans since 2-2020.
i know that's hard to comprehend, but at this stage of dying, it's what i prefer.
supposedly now they have determined, it is human to human transmission, and not transmissable on surfaces so i don't have to open my deliveries in my hazmat suit anymore.

so if i get covid, this human to human transmission thing is bullshit.
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Well-Known Member
Id focus on why it 'feels' rushed IMO. A lot of money has gone into getting people to feel that way.

And I have no idea how old you are man, but I am guessing that 'big Pharma' wasn't writing the prescription or treating you for whatever it is that you were dealing with back then. Sorry to hear about your experiences, it is hard to get past not having good healthcare.
Honestly I think I was just a little shit with a lot of energy, then a teacher suggested I be on meds and my parents liked her so they listened, then the trials…but it is what it is


Well-Known Member
True, but I don’t think I could ever put my trust in pharma again, at least not in this lifetime, but I genuinely don’t want to see people in the same position I’m in, but like I say I really don’t know enough about it to make a decision so I just use my past experience
Sure, and I'm just popping in here after a break, so I haven't read back and have no idea what your specific situation is. My wife has been dealing with a blood clot for twenty years and was hospitalized for it at one point, so we had no idea what those 1:1M odds really were for her. We're rural and don't have to head into an office everyday for work and we observe the basic precautions when we do head out, so we felt like we were in a good position to wait a bit to see how prevalent the negative reactions were.
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