Pandemic 2020

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ya, the cancer thing is important.
10,000,000 died from cancer (ten million) est in 2020. compare that to pandemic deaths.
and cancer isn't age discriminatory.

the best thing, and God bless him, dr trushar patel did, and he teaches robotic prostatectomy,
even though i had great $900 a month insurance,
he said my prostate was inoperable and i should get my affairs in order, make funeral arrangements, etc.
that's when it gets real.
if u don't die of something else, eventually, u get that talk, my father got it also, but he died a month later, i've just stretched my month 7 years 3 months now.
my motto is, live like ur sleeping in a surfside condo tn, u never know, appreciate ur dog.

remember, if ur old enough, steve mcqueen got cancer, and went to mexico for treatment,
well now with the internet u can search worldwide for treatments.
and after getting shut down at one of the top cancer clinics in the world,
i was forced to make my way on my own.
no help from anybody.

so the only reason i post is obviously not for u, u probably haven't been told u have 3 months to live with terminal cancer, but if there's ten million plus that are gonna die this year from cancer, maybe one will be inspired by my journey and do their own research and heal themselves.
like rick simpson and dennis hill did for me.

i've taken up to 3000mg a day, that did ding my liver, but at lower levels of 1600mg, i seem to be fine.
7 plus years of taking extract in large quantities with no bad side effects.
the mental side effects seem to scare away those that try.
More copy/paste?
this is the only reason i post.
i figure in 2021 if adult humans haven't figured out thc kills cancer, with all the information available, screw em.
but their kids, their dogs and cats have to suffer at their hands.
go sit in a radiation center's waiting room someday.
this is the only reason i post.
i figure in 2021 if adult humans haven't figured out thc kills cancer, with all the information available, screw em.
but their kids, their dogs and cats have to suffer at their hands.
go sit in a radiation center's waiting room someday.
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Everyone is anti-sick kids.

That is why I appreciate the great work that folks like the Shiner's and all the doctors, nurses, and the rest of the hospitals' staff and everyone else that contributes to helping them.

And find it extremely dangerous when death cult trolls try to convince people to not get safe effective vaccines/treatments because of their feels/need to pay the rent.
"The researchers, all experts in the field, already had a good idea of the type of cannabis cultivars that presented the most anti-inflammatory efficacy before the study began. So they selected strains that would likely work best, based on what their studies and experience told them."

"Their results pinpointed three particular strains that had high efficacy in damping down the most destructive cytokines and pathways relating to inflammation and fibrosis.

These are not strains that you can go out and buy as yet, but the authors provided the cannabinoid profiles of each in their write up of the study in Aging."

So they selected strains that their studies and experience told them will work and yet you can not buy these strains? I would think that they tried strains that people have tried, and if people have tried them then they are available. Unless they are working with soomeone to develop the strain and then market it. But that would seem to be a conflict of interest.
ya, the cancer thing is important.
10,000,000 died from cancer (ten million) est in 2020. compare that to pandemic deaths.
and cancer isn't age discriminatory.

the best thing, and God bless him, dr trushar patel did, and he teaches robotic prostatectomy,
even though i had great $900 a month insurance,
he said my prostate was inoperable and i should get my affairs in order, make funeral arrangements, etc.
that's when it gets real.
if u don't die of something else, eventually, u get that talk, my father got it also, but he died a month later, i've just stretched my month 7 years 3 months now.
my motto is, live like ur sleeping in a surfside condo tn, u never know, appreciate ur dog.

remember, if ur old enough, steve mcqueen got cancer, and went to mexico for treatment,
well now with the internet u can search worldwide for treatments.
and after getting shut down at one of the top cancer clinics in the world,
i was forced to make my way on my own.
no help from anybody.
obviously had all the help i needed from God.
there's no atheists in a foxhole.

so the only reason i post is obviously not for u, u probably haven't been told u have 3 months to live with terminal cancer, but if there's ten million plus that are gonna die this year from cancer, maybe one will be inspired by my journey and do their own research and heal themselves.
like rick simpson and dennis hill did for me.

i've taken up to 3000mg a day, that did ding my liver, but at lower levels of 1600mg, i seem to be fine.
7 plus years of taking extract in large quantities with no bad side effects.
the mental side effects seem to scare away those that try.
I rushed to the hospital when I got a call that the fans blowing air to and back from D5 were out. D5 is a ward with isolation rooms for cancer patients who are undergoing Kemo and they need to be protected from infection as the treatment kills their immune system. There is no evacuating them to a different area. When I got there it was approaching 30 C in the ward. Other than the same ward for children, the surgeries, the mouse house, no other areas gets me more excited. The mouse house is a floor used to house the mice used for cancer research. They are easily million dollar mice.

I cheated the systems and got the fans and cool air going. Then I troubleshoot the problem why they shut down. Until I got the fans going I was feeling more than a bit stressed, just needed to concentrate on the equipment and forget about the people. The nurses were very apreciative when I told them they were going to be OK. Hate seeing the kids in their isolation ward. The hospital staff is pretty good at taking care of them though.
Everyone is anti-sick kids.

That is why I appreciate the great work that folks like the Shiner's and all the doctors, nurses, and the rest of the hospitals' staff and everyone else that contributes to helping them.

And find it extremely dangerous when death cult trolls try to convince people to not get safe effective vaccines/treatments because of their feels/need to pay the rent.
i agree, if u have to be around humans, until ventilators are mothballed,
i'd get all the vaccines i needed and wear the best properly fitting mask or respirator i could find.
idk, but i have a feeling, when they put u in a coma and on a ventilator, that may or may not be ur last memory of this world.
nothing much worse than drowning in ur own snot.
and if u do recover, chances are ur lungs are permanently damaged.
been there, done that, and treat cows unfortunately yearly.
that's why the ivermectin thing is so interesting.

if unsure about the vaccine, talk to ur doctor.
i don't have a doctor and i doubt any would approve of my medicine.
i agree, if u have to be around humans, until ventilators are mothballed,
i'd get all the vaccines i needed and wear the best properly fitting mask or respirator i could find.
idk, but i have a feeling, when they put u in a coma and on a ventilator, that may or may not be ur last memory of this world.
nothing much worse than drowning in ur own snot.
and if u do recover, chances are ur lungs are permanently damaged.
been there, done that, and treat cows unfortunately yearly.
that's why the ivermectin thing is so interesting.

if unsure about the vaccine, talk to ur doctor.
i don't have a doctor and i doubt any would approve of my medicine.
Im already vaccinated so no worries here. Well outside of all the people who are falling for death cult trolls pretending like they are unsafe because (insert literally anything here) that their 'feels' tricked them into not trusting science.
So they selected strains that their studies and experience told them will work and yet you can not buy these strains? I would think that they tried strains that people have tried, and if people have tried them then they are available. Unless they are working with soomeone to develop the strain and then market it. But that would seem to be a conflict of interest.
my opinion, again i shouldn't have to preface every statement like that,
in 2014, with a gun to my head and a 3 month window,
it was easier researching "cancer cannabis" than it is now.

back then, everybody wasn't trying to sell u something.
like that article about "we have isolated this special strain"

now i try to look for anything new about canabis or cancer or thc, it's like, before u go, let me tell u about our cbd.

extract had been knocking out colds for thousands of years before they started pushing robitussin.

this is a cannabis forum. u can try it for urself.
next time u think ur getting a cold, right before bedtime, take some extract, and see if that doesn't dry u up.
u gotta be smart about it.
i don't drive, don't even own a licensed vehicle.
after ur first oral dose of cannabis, u will understand why.
my opinion, again i shouldn't have to preface every statement like that,
in 2014, with a gun to my head and a 3 month window,
it was easier researching "cancer cannabis" than it is now.

back then, everybody wasn't trying to sell u something.
like that article about "we have isolated this special strain"

now i try to look for anything new about canabis or cancer or thc, it's like, before u go, let me tell u about our cbd.

extract had been knocking out colds for thousands of years before they started pushing robitussin.

this is a cannabis forum. u can try it for urself.
next time u think ur getting a cold, right before bedtime, take some extract, and see if that doesn't dry u up.
u gotta be smart about it.
i don't drive, don't even own a licensed vehicle.
after ur first oral dose of cannabis, u will understand why.
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Why shouldn't you have to prefrece every statement when you go onto give an opinion? These are dangerous times in every thread like this across the internet. Propangda is being spread that is causing people to act very unsafe radicalizing them to think they know better than the people who dedicated their lives to medicines' collective knowledge.

Also it was impossible to not read the rest of your post in the voice of a sham wow commercial.
i agree, if u have to be around humans, until ventilators are mothballed,
i'd get all the vaccines i needed and wear the best properly fitting mask or respirator i could find.
idk, but i have a feeling, when they put u in a coma and on a ventilator, that may or may not be ur last memory of this world.
nothing much worse than drowning in ur own snot.
and if u do recover, chances are ur lungs are permanently damaged.
been there, done that, and treat cows unfortunately yearly.
that's why the ivermectin thing is so interesting.

if unsure about the vaccine, talk to ur doctor.
i don't have a doctor and i doubt any would approve of my medicine.
My sister's lungs are scared from SARS, she told me she was dying and looked out the window at the beluga whales thinking, "They are really beautiful." They were going to airlift her to the hospital where I worked but she pulled through. She wants me to make some oil for her as she can not smoke or vape anything.
You doxxed me

Yep, that's me, just before we made world shaking discoveries after a few hours of research. The admiring gaze of the red headed reporter was appropriate.
and i'm not anti-pharma,
if big pharma wasn't such a rip off and made extract like i do, i'd buy theirs, but insurance won't pay for it.
like, what are poor humans suppose to do.
my daily cannabis dosage at the dispensary is $200, which is still cheaper than many cancer meds, but insurance pays for it.
"The cost for Epidiolex oral liquid (100 mg/mL) is around $1,492 for a supply of 100 milliliters, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. Epidiolex is available as a brand name drug only, a generic version is not yet available"
That is not research, it says so in the document. It's an editorial that says maybe THC can help reduce the effects of contracting Covid in some patients. I see a plea for grant money. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

It's interesting but not useful.

I'm glad that we are now doing actual research into medical uses of MJ. Maybe in a few years we'll know something.
My sister's lungs are scared from SARS, she told me she was dying and looked out the window at the beluga whales thinking, "They are really beautiful." They were going to airlift her to the hospital where I worked but she pulled through. She wants me to make some oil for her as she can not smoke or vape anything.
if u do, and she'll take it, that's great, start with the tiniest dose u can and put it between her gum and cheek.
if she continues with it, my word af advice is hydrate with water constantly.
the extract dehydrates u, cotton mouth, right.
but oral consumption is different and the dehydration is serious.
if i start feeling bad, it's probably because i need water.
i probably drink two gals a day.
my opinion, again i shouldn't have to preface every statement like that,
in 2014, with a gun to my head and a 3 month window,
it was easier researching "cancer cannabis" than it is now.

back then, everybody wasn't trying to sell u something.
like that article about "we have isolated this special strain"

now i try to look for anything new about canabis or cancer or thc, it's like, before u go, let me tell u about our cbd.

extract had been knocking out colds for thousands of years before they started pushing robitussin.

this is a cannabis forum. u can try it for urself.
next time u think ur getting a cold, right before bedtime, take some extract, and see if that doesn't dry u up.
u gotta be smart about it.
i don't drive, don't even own a licensed vehicle.
after ur first oral dose of cannabis, u will understand why.
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I have spent years reading medical papers trying to find out what happened to me and what to do about it. With the medication I am on and with cannabis I can lead a more pain free life. One day I may give up being able to drive.
Another example of how fucked up Republicans are in dealing with the Pandemic.
'Extremely cruel move:' Jobless workers brace for early end to unemployment benefits in 25 states (
Here's a map of the affected states (geeze, all Republican run, what a surprise!!!!! )


Starting today, 4.5 million workers (future homeless) in 25 Republican led states will loose the additional unemployment benifits offered to those states by the Federal goverment.
All of the Governors refused the additional aid.
One of the main excuses is that they, the benefits, are making people lazy
Another is that employers are having trouble filling they're shit/low paying jobs (increase the fucking minimum NOW, before we add to the homeless situation)
Oh well, it is what it is, right?
So maybe, just maybe those voters in those states will think twice before they elect a Republican again to office, who only look after themselves & they're wealthy donors.
Probably not, it seems they don't mind being fucked over.
Fucking suckers :)
if u do, and she'll take it, that's great, start with the tiniest dose u can and put it between her gum and cheek.
if she continues with it, my word af advice is hydrate with water constantly.
the extract dehydrates u, cotton mouth, right.
but oral consumption is different and the dehydration is serious.
if i start feeling bad, it's probably because i need water.
i probably drink two gals a day.
That is also the thing I don't care for. Waking up this morning as a good example. I am trying to find a strain that I can live with.
That is not research, it says so in the document. It's an editorial that says maybe THC can help reduce the effects of contracting Covid in some patients. I see a plea for grant money. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

It's interesting but not useful.

I'm glad that we are now doing actual research into medical uses of MJ. Maybe in a few years we'll know something.
there's like 25 references to other scholarly scientific articles.
Another example of how fucked up Republicans are in dealing with the Pandemic.
'Extremely cruel move:' Jobless workers brace for early end to unemployment benefits in 25 states (
Here's a map of the affected states (geeze, all Republican run, what a surprise!!!!! )

View attachment 4945627

Starting today, 4.5 million workers (future homeless) in 25 Republican led states will loose the additional unemployment benifits offered to those states by the Federal goverment.
All of the Governors refused the additional aid.
One of the main excuses is that they, the benefits, are making people lazy
Another is that employers are having trouble filling they're shit/low paying jobs (increase the fucking minimum NOW, before we add to the homeless situation)
Oh well, it is what it is, right?
So maybe, just maybe those voters in those states will think twice before they elect a Republican again to office, who only look after themselves & they're wealthy donors.
Probably not, it seems they don't mind being fucked over.
Fucking suckers :)
"Damn fuckers sitting at home collecting tax money from out of my pocket."
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