Are you hurting your plant if you give it a day off every week?


Well-Known Member
Always interested in reducing costs and being more efficient. Would you be creating hermies, triggering premature flowering, or significantly stunting development, if you cut the lights off one day a week? Consequently, in a drain-to-waste hydro setup, using Grodan blocks, running perpetual bloom, this would also mean I could take a day off of watering and spend it improving things or enjoying life away from the garden....


Well-Known Member
Setup automatic watering then u could take every day off from watering
yeah, you're probably right. had issues -- overwatering some, underwatering others ... felt like I was spending more time adjusting/modifying/adding pumps/reconfiguring hoses than focusing on plants, and you're more restricted in the # and location of plants you grow. And in perpetual bloom it's nearly impossible, I have 4-8 different nute phases to hand-feed every day. I'm using drippers now, and am more confident about feeding enough to only feed once a day.


Well-Known Member
If you want to be more efficient, skip perpetual and head over to monocropping.
True, I've got a few contradictions going on. I like to smoke different strains throughout the day, there's one flavorful/pleasant smelling strain I just mix with more potent strains.... I'd get bored with one strain, the same # of pots, in the same spots (if that's what you mean). Perpetual and a mix of strains keeps gardening interesting. I always look forward to different #s of plants, as I'm finding which to prioritize in #s, how long to veg each one, their flowering time, and whether I should top them. Stuff like that. I'm still refining "my" process. Started with 15+ strains, multiple sources for some of them. Down to 8. Prioritizing ~5 of them. It's been fun, 14 months into this.