January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

John Heilemann: 'We All Know Who Hired The ‘Hit Man’ For The Jan 6th Riot'

Host and executive producer of Showtime’s “The Circus,” John Heilemann, reacts to the emotional sound from today’s congressional hearing on the January 6th Capitol Hill riot. He states that he has no understanding how so many GOP members are able to hear the Capitol Hill officers’ testimonies and continue to gaslight the officers’ experience.
Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: Trump May Be Called, but Panel Will 'Fail'
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Jan. 6 Select Committee is not going to get to the truth, according to legal expert Alan Dershowitz on Newsmax, who added that former President Donald Trump will be called to testify but would be unlikely to do so.

"He will be called to testify; he'll invoke executive privilege, perhaps," Dershowitz told Tuesday's "Spicer & Co.," noting the former president can invoke executive privilege. "Perhaps he'll want to testify. The American public does have a right to know what happened.

"The key is individual responsibility. This is something that happened collectively, but every individual person must be held accountable for what they did and didn't do — the president included."

Dershowitz warned to co-host Lyndsay Keith and guest host Seth Denson that Pelosi's seven-Democrat and two anti-Trump Republican committee will only show the "Democrat truth" and they will paint the storming of the Capitol with a broad brush that runs the risk of tarnishing good people who did not do bad things.

"You can't judge this thing collectively, and so I think the focus has to be on a particular people," Dershowitz said. "What did they do? And we have to know the facts."

For instance, Dershowitz said, he is representing a Washington student "who went into the Capitol not to obstruct justice, but simply to defend the senators who were calling for hearings" on allegations of election fraud.

Dershowitz pointed to the Chicago Seven case in 1970 where all seven accused in a conspiracy to riot over the Vietnam War were acquitted.

"The courts held that every individual was an individual and had to be treated as an individual under the First Amendment," Dershowitz said.

But Dershowitz added, this is not a trial, but partisanship and using a "terrible, tragic event" to get "partisan advantage."

"In Washington today, it's impossible to do anything without trying to get some partisan advantage, and that's why I think this hearing will fail," Dershowitz said. "I think in the end we won't learn the truth. We will learn Democratic truths and we will learn Republican truths, but we won't learn the actual truth because no one is interested in the truth.

"Everybody is interested in advancing their partisan interests. Unfortunately, that is the case."

"The American people are entitled to know what actually happened, the actual truth. We're not going to learn it from partisan investigations."
Not in America, maybe somewhere else. We are actively fighting history as we speak.
And theat is the purpose of the commission. To document some of the truth. Naturally they will not be able to get all of it but it will be documented in congress. And just maybe unwritten laws and norms that kept politicians in power in the past will be written into the laws governing future presidents.
Demonstrators Shut Down GOP Lawmakers News Conference on Jan. 6 'Political Prisoners'
A news conference by a group of House GOP firebrands protesting the jailing of “political prisoners” after the Jan. 6 Capitol attack was abruptly ended Tuesday after noisy counter-demonstrators crowded around them.

GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Louie Gohmert of Texas and Paul Gosar of Arizona had set up a podium outside the Department of Justice to protest the treatment of individuals arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 attack.

“We got to make sure … that they’re treated fairly when they get to jail,” Gohmert, a former judge, said.

“They’ve not been shown the evidence against them. They’re a lot of problems here,” Gohmert said, asking: “Do we have political prisoners here or not.”

Gosar agreed.

“I, too, am happy to join my Republican colleagues and demand the answers to the very troubling reports that the Biden administration and Justice Department are mistreating non-violent prisoners in connection with Jan. 6,” Gosar said.

He claimed there are “disturbing reports” of some prisoners being abused and held in solitary confinement for as many 23 hours a day.

“These are not unruly or dangerous, violent criminals, these are political prisoners who are now being persecuted during the pain of unjust suffering,” he added.

But as the lawmakers got to the podium and were repeatedly interrupted, the counter-protesters got too close to the speakers.

“To the guy that’s blowing the whistle: we are not deterred,” Greene said, C-SPAN video of the news conference showed.

Political prisoners. That is funny. Not like they were just protesting in the street. And not shown the evidence? I think we have all had a glimce at the footage, they produced much of the evidence themselves. But, with so many that broke the law, there is only so much time in the day to prosecute them. "Doe to high volumes the wait time may be extended." Or whatever they say when you want to get someone on the phone.

These last two articles are funny, a distorted view of reality. And both have comments closed. In other words, Newsmax wants to push a narative with no pushback from the like of myself. Well not so much me as I hung up that shingle, but the others that took my place.
Johnson: The Principal Terrorist Threat To Our Nation Is Domestic-Based

Andrea Mitchell is joined by former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to discuss the first hearing for the January 6th Select Committee, saying "the principal terrorist threat to our nation is domestic-based". Amid testimony of racist slurs targeted at law enforcement of color on January 6th, Secretary Johnson explains how studies show the Capitol rioters were motivated by their support for former President Donald Trump, but also "a fear among white America that somehow people of color are replacing
Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows to Newsmax: Jan. 6 Committee 'A Political Sham'
Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Newsmax Wednesday that the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot was nothing more than a “partisan sham” designed to go after former President Donald Trump rather than getting to the bottom of why the incident happened.

“This is impeachment 3.0,” Meadows said during the premiere of Newsmax's “Eric Bolling The Balance” Wednesday. “This is just a partisan sham; they have already drawn their final conclusions. In fact, they could write the final report right now.”

Jordan, one of two Republicans named to the committee that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected, agreed that the committee is only looking to smear the former president, or they would have accepted him and Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., on the committee and allow them to ask pointed questions about why the Capitol Police seemed so unprepared for the riot.

Pelosi then pushed for an independent “9/11-type” commission to investigate the incident, but that effort was blocked by Republicans, leading her to form her own “select” committee.

Meadows said they could have had up to 10,000 National Guard troops at the Capitol on Jan. 6, that were previously authorized by then President Donald Trump to ensure order, but Pelosi did not deploy them.
"Insurrection?" That would be the dims in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis. Taking over parts of the city, murdering people, destroying govt. building, attacking police. There was no "trump Insurrection." Trump had nothing to do with it. One of the leaders detained said it had been planned for months. There goes the lie that Trump's speech incited anything. Just another false claim from the left, like russian collusion. We all no, as the world does, there was election fraud. No way in hell 81 million people cast a vote for the demented, old racist/segregationist.
"Insurrection?" That would be the dims in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis. Taking over parts of the city, murdering people, destroying govt. building, attacking police. There was no "trump Insurrection." Trump had nothing to do with it. One of the leaders detained said it had been planned for months. There goes the lie that Trump's speech incited anything. Just another false claim from the left, like russian collusion. We all no, as the world does, there was election fraud. No way in hell 81 million people cast a vote for the demented, old racist/segregationist.

he lost...get over it...and btw here might need this

and while your at it.....go talk to your fearless leader...

which the orange avenger admires so much
"Insurrection?" That would be the dims in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis. Taking over parts of the city, murdering people, destroying govt. building, attacking police. There was no "trump Insurrection." Trump had nothing to do with it. One of the leaders detained said it had been planned for months. There goes the lie that Trump's speech incited anything. Just another false claim from the left, like russian collusion. We all no, as the world does, there was election fraud. No way in hell 81 million people cast a vote for the demented, old racist/segregationist.
The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Here's your orange savior this week...

"The county has, for whatever reason, also refused to produce the network routers. We want the routers, Sonny, Wendy, we got to get those routers, please. The routers. Come on, Kelly, we can get those routers. Those routers. You know what? We're so beyond the routers, there's so many fraudulent votes without the routers. But if you got those routers, what that will show, and they don't want to give up the routers. They don't want to give them. They are fighting like hell. Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers?"

Who could resist that logic? Nope, Biden sure can't turn a phrase like Trump. Trump knows the secret deep-brain language of poor uneducated retards that can turn his gibberish into pure hostility and rage. Sure, you don't understand what the fuck is going on but you sure are pissed about it.
We all no, as the world does,

"Insurrection?" That would be the dims in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis. Taking over parts of the city, murdering people, destroying govt. building, attacking police. There was no "trump Insurrection." Trump had nothing to do with it. One of the leaders detained said it had been planned for months. There goes the lie that Trump's speech incited anything. Just another false claim from the left, like russian collusion. We all no, as the world does, there was election fraud. No way in hell 81 million people cast a vote for the demented, old racist/segregationist.
Trump provided them cover to attack our capital man, plain and simple.

I call bullshit on you knowing if Trump had anything to do with it, just like I have no idea if he did or not either. But it is not looking good for the idiot ex-potUS.

All of that shit was kicked off by a White nationalist and bunch of white people busting up shit when the city/world was standing up for themselves so they could paint the protests as 'riots'.





On and on. I didn't even bother with all the Portland nonsense that has been going on for decades with all those mainly melanin-life people.

The white pride croud were also at the same time spreading propangda about it being 'ANTIFA' to get people like yourselves to think that it was real, because hey Trump told me, and I see violence, so as long as I don't look too close because it is scary AF, the con man had a shot to have his insurrection attempt have a fall guy, because he knew he was always going to lose. He never got anything not handed to him by people with real money.

Just another false claim from the left, like russian collusion. We all no, as the world does, there was election fraud. No way in hell 81 million people cast a vote for the demented, old racist/segregationist.

Question are you ok with the fact that Paul Manafort gave the data that Trump received on American citizens over to a Russian agent along with info on their campaign plans?
