I'll stress one more time that now is the time you should use toxic bug bombs... This is your only chance to be rid of them, before they really get around later. There's not a chance in hell you can get all of them with sprays because once you see them they are already spread around in areas other than just on the plant. You can even vacuum all day and spray your room down with bleach and still have them come out of some crack somewhere but a few bombs at the right times might actually free you from them, at least for a while anyway. Once you flower you can't bomb at all, and you'll even have to stop spraying safer etc in the last couple weeks and that's all the time they'll need to multiply and move in permanently.
I believe it also said they hibernate if they can't find food. As in one falls on your carpet, can't find food so she plays with her clit and spews out a few thousand eggs and then goes off and hides in some crack somewhere to hibernate.
Even if you get those eggs that are down there now she could wake up, come out of hiding, and beat off again before she dies. I think I read they are one of those creatures that doesn't have to mate each time, continually fertile after mating once or something of that nature.