Ahhh spider mites


Active Member
I've just noticed spider mites! I know for sure I have them but its not a big problem yet..... So this is my first grow and I've been doing some reading and my plants are from 2 week to 3 weeks old, I've heard a 1:1 ratio of water and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and mist the plant will kill them on contact. Is this safe for my plant??? Spider Mites are sickening:o



Well-Known Member
If they are still small, you can dip them in insecticidal soap. you should be able to get some at lowes or home depot. Sucks you got them so early into your grow bro, or can put a few lady bugs or praine mantis n there in there it helps. Theres also pyrifrium bomb (spelled wrong for sure lol)

I wouldn't recommend spraying alcohol on your plant never heard of that :confused:


Well-Known Member
I've heard a 1:1 ratio of water and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and mist the plant will kill them on contact. Is this safe for my plant??S
I doubt it, get some Safer's Soap. If you keep your temperatures down around 70 and your humidity high (no more than 65 %) you'll slow them down. They can become almost deadly if you let them go unhindered. Once you got them you'll always have them.


Well-Known Member
I just had to chop way way early because my spider mite crop got out of control and now I'll be SOL for a month at least without medicine since I harvested next to nothing.

Don't take them lightly. What appears to be a few now turns into a thousand and then ten thousand in just two weeks or so.

You should immediately bomb your whole grow and house with pyrethrum or however it's spelled and at least the grow room again in 7 days and 7 days again after that. Once you get too far into flowering you can no longer bomb and then you're limited with sprays like safer and einstein oil which are much much less effective since there's just never 100% kill possible that way.

One thing a lot of people don't know that I recently learned is that spider mites will hibernate on you. If they don't like their living conditions for whatever reason they'll hibernate hoping for better times later and a change in light cycle will set them off again, makes them assume it's a change in seasons just like our plants do. That's how you can often think you have finally won the battle and not see them for quite a while and then the little fuckers seem to come back out of nowhere.

Sprays and bombs and etc don't kill the eggs or all of the hibernating little shits, so even still you'll probably always have to spray from now on. Go somewhere between one and two months without spraying and loose your crop like me, they just take over and the plants can no longer support all the bugs and still grow, plants stall out and die.

I'll be out of smoke right around my birthday thanks to these things, and the little I was able to salvage tastes like crap thanks to them. Yes you can actually TASTE them it's disgusting.


Well-Known Member
If they are still small just get some insecticidal soap
"safe soap" and mix it in a 5 gallon bucket then dip them in it. thats prob the best thing to do. After the dip you should scrub your whole grow area down, get it nice and clean.


Well-Known Member
I just told you what to do, and you ignored it. If all you do is neem oil you might as well welcome them to your home permanently.
Sorry mate didn't read the lower part of post about them hibernating. They will hibernate in the cold (slowing them down quite a bit). The hotter your room is the more they will multiply. I think it said they can lay up to 3000 eggs a day in hot room.


Well-Known Member
I'll stress one more time that now is the time you should use toxic bug bombs... This is your only chance to be rid of them, before they really get around later. There's not a chance in hell you can get all of them with sprays because once you see them they are already spread around in areas other than just on the plant. You can even vacuum all day and spray your room down with bleach and still have them come out of some crack somewhere but a few bombs at the right times might actually free you from them, at least for a while anyway. Once you flower you can't bomb at all, and you'll even have to stop spraying safer etc in the last couple weeks and that's all the time they'll need to multiply and move in permanently.

I believe it also said they hibernate if they can't find food. As in one falls on your carpet, can't find food so she plays with her clit and spews out a few thousand eggs and then goes off and hides in some crack somewhere to hibernate.

Even if you get those eggs that are down there now she could wake up, come out of hiding, and beat off again before she dies. I think I read they are one of those creatures that doesn't have to mate each time, continually fertile after mating once or something of that nature.


Well-Known Member
neem oil has done the trick for me, never had spider mites. neem oil you can find at any store that would be in the same category as Espositos if you know what that is.. any gardening shop usually sells it. it smells awful tho.


Well-Known Member
neem oil has done the trick for me, never had spider mites. neem oil you can find at any store that would be in the same category as Espositos if you know what that is.. any gardening shop usually sells it. it smells awful tho.
If you never had spider mites how can you say it worked for you? You mean it worked by preventing them? That means nothing.


Active Member
Ok never mind, I went to buy a bug bomb and I saw some flea and tick ones for a dog, and it said to not use it buy any open flames or pilot lights, and this is in a basement that has a furnace and we use it, so I don't know if I should use the bomb. I might need a alternate plan here.