Well-Known Member
Where are you from?Yeah I've been to you country 3 times now and the homeless crisis is the US is just absolutely staggering. Even when we went to Hawaii it was bad in Honolulu and it's and island paradise.
The homeless that come from the tunnels and onto the streets at night in Las Vegas was just amazing.
LAs homeless was also like nothing I've ever seen anywhere else in the world and I've been through Europe, Asia and North America.
The rich get richer and everyone else get homeless!!
Stay there and never come back, it will shatter your dreams & depress you, guaranteed.
Yup, that's one huge problem that Americans have, that they really, really have this bizarre notion that they're #1, truly exceptional and the rest of the World sucks or are "shithole nations"
Yea, we're exceptional amongst industrialized/Western nations in that we have more imates in jail or on Death row, more mass murders, more guns, more income inequality, more infections due to the Viruses & refusing to wear PPE's or get a vaccination and fucked up Educational/Medical systems where we produce idiots & bankrupt people with our exorbitant medical costs.
Yea, the USA is a fucking Paradise, right?
After all, electing this motherfucker proves it

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