Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
You haven't had your vaccine yet? Hope you and the missus are being super careful. :hug:

I'm worried about the schools too. They don't go back until after labour day here and they have a mask mandate in place, but that can only do so much.
not yet, and we are......especially here at work......just try to keep my distance and my hands and work area clean the best i can

we haven't gotten one yes only cause we don't know what the reaction if any to her MS......finally the primary said in her opinion she should get the Moderna.....

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
not yet, and we are......especially here at work......just try to keep my distance and my hands and work area clean the best i can

we haven't gotten one yes only cause we don't know what the reaction if any to her MS......finally the primary said in her opinion she should get the Moderna.....
Right you mentioned that earlier, sorry I forgot. That's scary. Do you think you'll have to wait very long?

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
from what the dr said no not very long......she had J&J there already.......but said cause of her condition Moderna would be better and less side effects...
I had really minor side effects from the moderna, little achy for a day. My partner was worse bad flu like symptoms when she finally got out of bed she vomited all over the shower. We both had astrazeneca for our first shots and I was in bed all day and she was fine. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
I had really minor side effects from the moderna, little achy for a day. My partner was worse bad flu like symptoms when she finally got out of bed she vomited all over the shower. We both had astrazeneca for our first shots and I was in bed all day and she was fine. Go figure.
that's what i told my wife today and this weekend.......need to look up side effects.....she said she's on and let me know tonight......this way we can be kinda ready for the after effect......


Well-Known Member
I hope it doesn't impact her too bad. Does she have mobility problems? The side effects kinda sucked, but it was totally worth it for the piece of mind.
now she does big time unfortunately.....before the hospital says not so much.....but with the MS being active now, it's start to get her mobility and her walking.....a bunch of different things have hit her now.....