Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
never was good at playing it cool.

It is a rice dish. It's too flowery for me, what I imagine the licking the inside of my purse would taste like.
it is a rice dish.....very good i might add..........guess it depends on how much is used.....

it's weird how that spice only comes, from what i hear, one place.....could be wrong


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn’t google anything. Apparently each crocus only produces 3-4 stigma per flower. But like I said, I didn’t google, so maybe I said the wrong thing. Oops
No biggie, I used to have some Crocus plants in the garden. They were the first ones that flowered in the spring which is why I know about them. I often contemplated growing the saffron type. Some people around here would plant some bulbs next to the sidewalk in their lawns, it looked cool when they came up. They finished flowering before the lawns needed mowed.