USKS' First grow


Well-Known Member
ye, so i kinda changed up plans.
if my kid dont straighten out and stop beina brok edick,
i'm just gonna go ahead and do LST (or maybe some lsd? :-) ) its already bent over anyway, so just pinning it to the soil cant hurt it.


Well-Known Member
So here are some new pics.
Its growin at a decent pace.
Its still bent (i dont care anymore, i give up)
I THINK its female.

Is it female? It doesnt make sense to tell this early does it? But in at least 2 of the pictures (pictures 1 and 3) it looks like two little hairs comin out, like females.
Males are ususally balls, right?

Let me know what you think

Tonight marks the 7th night of 24/7 light schedule



Well-Known Member
dude theres no way your gonna tell what sex it is yet. not till u flower it man. those lil hairs you see may be little leaves comin in or anything else but def. not anything sex related. looks good tho


Well-Known Member
'aight mane!
thats what my feeling was...
im just a hopeful parent tho! lol
maybe in 7 more days i'll throw it into flowering for5 6 days and see what happens, then throw it back into veg?


Well-Known Member
no definately dont wanna do that. that will definately either wanna make it a hermi, or will slow the fuck out of the growth because of the shock of going into flower and reversing back again to veg. keep it in veg for like 4-8 weeks depending on how much of a hurry youre in and how much yield you want. more time = more yield. when you're ready you flip the lights to 12 hours on 12 hours off (which u probly knew). this will make it flower and show its sex. it will also double or maybe triple in size so keep that in mind. if you really want you can turn it on 12/12 sooner and flower it early and leave it flowered but you will not yield close to as much. hope this helps man


Well-Known Member
thanks,! good info bro.

I didnt know i had to wait until flowering to know if its male or female :-(
so 4 to 6 weeks from now i'll know if its male or female aye?
thats sad :-(


Well-Known Member
yep, at least 4-6 weeks. my big ones probably wont get flowered until they're 8-10 weeks cuz i have to let those seedlings catch up to them

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
or you can toss in 12/12 from seed and they will flower when ready anyway i vegged mine for about 2 weeks tossed it into 12/12 and took 10-12 days to show sex. I think its all about when the plant is ready. If you want a huge yield and time is not your concern then veg them as long as u want.


Well-Known Member

So i got my kid back from the baby sitter.
The last pics i had were on post #22.
Here are the new ones.

Basically i went to pick my kid up and i said OH SHIT! i couldnt believe how much it grew in only a week!

I am fearing it might be a male 'cause it smells more like lawn grass than skunk. also, it doesnt look as bushy as some of ya'lls plants... maybe its too early to tell still? its 2 weeks under the lights so far.
but usually the males are tall and not bushy.
What do you guys think about how it looks overall?

Its still bent over, so i'm gonna star the LST sometime before the week ends.

Ya'll know where the branches meet the stem? then there's like leaves that come out from where the branches meet the stems?
well on my plant, theres even more leaves comin out from those things too, is this normal or is it 'cause its bent over and the sides happen to be gettin more light than normal?


thanks for any input, and sorry for the silence this past 5 or 6 days



Well-Known Member
also, i wanna give this baby some fish emulsion.
i've got 5-1-1

its a full 2 weeks old that it has been under the CFLs and it might be closer to 3 weeks old (about 1 week on a windowsill).

Is it too early? if not, how much should i give it?


Well-Known Member
damn it did grow like crazy. eh u can probly start feedin it. it should say on the bottle how much to put in, usually like 1 tbsp / gal but since its a young plant u probly wanna give it half that at first and work ur way up to the full dosage. dont worry about ur plant bein a male yet. its still way too soon. just assume its a female until u hear (or see) otherwise. that way it will get all the lovin it deserves.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
thats some good growth man looking good, make sure you dont over do it with the fertz. i gotta say looks like a female to me with tight internode and already branching out


Well-Known Member
damn it did grow like crazy. eh u can probly start feedin it. it should say on the bottle how much to put in, usually like 1 tbsp / gal but since its a young plant u probly wanna give it half that at first and work ur way up to the full dosage. dont worry about ur plant bein a male yet. its still way too soon. just assume its a female until u hear (or see) otherwise. that way it will get all the lovin it deserves.
Yah dude, i was surprised at the growth too! i have not wattered it in 7 days. I think i figured out when this baby needs water. Basically, when the new growth is more like neon green color than dark green, i water it a lot (like, about 1/2 a gallon cause the pot is at least 10 gallons on its own so i figure it spreads out evenly). When i start the LST i'll probably try to feed it also. I'll keep yall updated about the feeding thing.

Looks pretty healthy so far bro :hump:
Thanks! I just hope its a female or as i've stated before, i will take a shit on it.
Mark my words.

thats some good growth man looking good, make sure you dont over do it with the fertz. i gotta say looks like a female to me with tight internode and already branching out
Ya, i'll try my best to be careful with the fish emulsion. It would be a shame to get this far and fuck it all up. Yah i want to belive its a female, i really do.... and beacuse i want to believe it, anything i see on my baby is just evidence to me that its a female... but my pessimistic side says its a male.

If all things go well, my next grow is gonna be probably 2 plants or maybe 3 at most [in case there are males, i can always chunk some of them u know?]
BTW, your grow is looking nice. i love the way it looks, i hope mine looks like yours.


Well-Known Member
Yah dude, i was surprised at the growth too! i have not wattered it in 7 days. I think i figured out when this baby needs water. Basically, when the new growth is more like neon green color than dark green, i water it a lot (like, about 1/2 a gallon cause the pot is at least 10 gallons on its own so i figure it spreads out evenly). When i start the LST i'll probably try to feed it also. I'll keep yall updated about the feeding thing.

Thanks! I just hope its a female or as i've stated before, i will take a shit on it.
Mark my words.
I wanna see that..Itd be my new avatar, plant with poo on it :spew:


Well-Known Member
I would say "Then hope its a male, because i WILL do it."

BUT, i dont need the negative karma! i'm nervous enough as it is about if its female or not! :? :lol:
Nah, baby jesus bless your little plant :hug:
I play music, and talk good to my bitches, seems to help.


Well-Known Member
Nah, baby jesus bless your little plant :hug:
I play music, and talk good to my bitches, seems to help.

i eat dinner with my baby sometimes.

just consists of me sitting in front of bright ass CFL blinding myself and eating. lol


Well-Known Member
My LST is comin along 'aight. i adjust it (pull it down) about twice a day, its reaching the edge of the pot now. All of the branches and leaves growin off the stem are starting to grow outward and up towards the light. (you know, the branches'n leaves 'n shit that would normally be covered by the canopy above it). I'm noticing its like having multiple plants in one with this lst thing.

Since my baby is reaching the end of the pot i'm tryin to figure out how to go about tieing it down towards the side so that itll grow around the pot. If i can get this baby at least 3/4 of the way to being 1/2way around the pot within 2 weeks i'll be happy and start the flowering.

I've also cut off some leaves that were blocking the others that were tryin to come out from the bottom. i dont know but i think the leaves i've trimmed off are what everyone refers to as fan leaves. Fan leaves are like the 'original' leaves that first start showin up at every node, right?
Some of them i cut entirely off, some of them i just cut like 3 parts of it off.

Anywho, i'll post some pics later today or maybe another day.
This wednesday when its watering time again ( i water once a week with a half gallon of water. my pot is HUGE its easily over 10 gallons) i am going to give it the fish emulsion thing. i'm gonna go ahead with a half a dose since the pot is so huge and i figure everything is going to be diluted anyway in such a huge volume of soil.

BTW a buddy of mine is comin up from houston and we're gonna be fuckin stoned as shit trippin off some 'cid and fungus all damn week from wednesday noon till late saturday. MAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA just thinking about it makes me loose my mind its going to be fuckin wild.
Just thought i'd share with yall.