Another harvest post


Well-Known Member
Hey all, sorry to do it to youse, but I gotta ask again on my one plant if youse think she’s ready. I was planning to chop in the next few days and thought it best to run it past the group here.
She’s been flowering close to 12 weeks, and she’s been over fed N (haven’t given any nutes in about 2 weeks, so that is just what it is).
No white pistils left that I can see, real stinky if I squeeze a bud and I think I’m seeing clusters of amber trichs.
What do you all think? 0D3FED72-B9B2-420D-AEE7-EBD7628297A6.jpegEFC602AE-6456-41B2-A056-6BA42BB6C8B7.jpegE04FC3CB-A57C-4021-83E8-776079CFC50E.jpegE942482F-0C8D-489A-B9A1-78C81CED425C.jpeg5C383122-3A98-4E4A-887C-99DAA7BEB836.jpeg3D0B6B12-67FF-4087-93F8-84B9FBF189D2.jpeg2386B81C-4B99-401C-AA17-63AEA5B37877.jpeg47376214-5A3D-41B8-92E4-4C11D2AF784C.jpeg344D6206-2125-4479-9C63-682024264659.jpeg9006B32C-94C1-4603-9746-75F57563B261.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can chop. But I think you got rot man?
Dark looking spots you mean, right? I was wondering myself what that was, when I looked at it under a loupe it didn’t seem structural different, is there a tell tale I should be looking for under magnification to know if it’s rot?
This plants a hermie and has started throwing out seeds and nanners, I was thinking it was somehow related to that.
How quickly would bud rot move across the plant? I’ve been seeing these little areas for a good minute now


Well-Known Member
Dark looking spots you mean, right? I was wondering myself what that was, when I looked at it under a loupe it didn’t seem structural different, is there a tell tale I should be looking for under magnification to know if it’s rot?
This plants a hermie and has started throwing out seeds and nanners, I was thinking it was somehow related to that.
How quickly would bud rot move across the plant? I’ve been seeing these little areas for a good minute now
I’d get your terps at their peaks and chop man. And just discard the rot. You’ll be fine


Well-Known Member
I have had temps in the mid 80s, but RH has always been below 50 and I have like 5 fans inside the tent, so not sure if that’s an environment botrytis would take hold, but I’ll be giving it a good look.


Well-Known Member
Noob here - what do you mean by "lights go off"?
Does it really matter when you cut and harvest?
During the day the plants use photosynthesis to convert light into long chains of sugars called starches. At night the plants use up this stored starch which is why most people like to chop right before the lights come on. Also at night the plant produces more resin, thc, oils, & terpenes. Cutting your plant at first light ensures there at full potential.


Well-Known Member
During the day the plants use photosynthesis to convert light into long chains of sugars called starches. At night the plants use up this stored starch which is why most people like to chop right before the lights come on. Also at night the plant produces more resin, thc, oils, & terpenes. Cutting your plant at first light ensures there at full potential.
Yeah my dry room is where I’m going to have to watch closely. Temps are around 75 with a 45 RH. Hanging entire plant in a wardrobe box and going to line the bottom with frozen bottles of water and a fan pointed towards a cut hole at ground level of the box. Not worried about controlling humidity as much as temp, humidity I can control at this point


Well-Known Member
Yeah my dry room is where I’m going to have to watch closely. Temps are around 75 with a 45 RH. Hanging entire plant in a wardrobe box and going to line the bottom with frozen bottles of water and a fan pointed towards a cut hole at ground level of the box. Not worried about controlling humidity as much as temp, humidity I can control at this point
A rH of ~45 & temp of 75 should be fine to prevent bud rot, just note that your buds are gonna dry super quick. I would consider lowering temp & raising rH if possible. If not be vigilant about checking. Remember not to aim fan directly at plant. The fan is just to keep the air from stagnating


Well-Known Member
Terp peak is the hour before the lights come on. Sorry you read it wrong.
Or right before Sun up for outdoors.

Also. I didn say mold. I said what looks like rot.


Well-Known Member
Terp peak is the hour before the lights come on. Sorry you read it wrong.
Or right before Sun up for outdoors.

Also. I didn say mold. I said what looks like rot.
Yeah I definitely read that wrong lol, 4pm sounds a lot better than 5am for chop