Examples of GOP Leadership


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I say level the playing field and let the white trash compete with the brown folks and may the better win. The meek shall inherit the earth, or so says the Bible and if true, the news indicates the clear eventual winner. Yep, the call of, "They is taking over" is the whine of a loser, there is a reason they fear replacement theory, for the inferior are often replaced by the superior in nature.
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Here ya go boys and girls …. Take notes there are some hilarious , shockingly stupid blurbs from mikey and attendees…….. Mike’s brain went bye bye.



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This Secret Shows Why Top GOP Are Mimicking Trump's Loser Playbook In 2021

As the country becomes more diverse and President Biden continues to secure key victories for his domestic and economic agenda, the GOP faces a binary choice between evolving or losing elections. MSNBC’s Ari Melber explains how the GOP is trying to carve a different political path forward, one that centers around lying about its losses and suppressing democracy.