My Babies


Well-Known Member
Better than 45 watt CFL's, they get too hot. and 10500 lumens, thats 5 45 watt CFL's. Good thing i got all my CFL's on sale for cheap lol. So the 70 watt HPS doesn't get that hot?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro the 70 watt hps does not get as hot as the equivelant amount of cfls it would take to reach the lumen output of every grow im sure u have a small fan in ur grow to help with wind for strengthening ur plants stalks and stems but also to help with heat.......

The point of hps for flower is not really the name hps at all.... check out this other link... besides lumens bro u need to give ur plants proper spectrums during individual stages of growth... this is the best thread ive seen on riu that explained short term the most latest and greatest scientifically proven data available.....

Actually this thread is all u need...

read and reread the thread in this link bro


Well-Known Member
Great info indeed! Thanks onthedl :mrgreen:

I guess i should just make this thread my lil grow journal eh? ill post some pics tomorrow, they are doing great, and the leaves are getting bigger... im like a proud parent lol. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures of my lil ones, They seem to be doing pretty good. Although, we had a couple hot days here and they got a little heat stress, but the temps are back to a good 75 degrees and they're still alive and kickin. :weed:

Also, i had just watered them so they look kind of droopy, they perked back up within an hour.



Well-Known Member
Haha thanks, i was a little worried when we had a couple 82+ days, but they pulled through just fine i think :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey stonedz im really excited for you bro. i remember my first grow which made it thru nicely in soil after lots of tribulation. They look good bro just learn everything u possibly can from this grow.

Then dive directly into hydro bro, u can expect all the same excitement on a day to day basis and be smoking fully matured nuggets within 2.5 - 3 months bro.

Im pretty sure at the bottom theres a link to beginners bubbleponics bro. its actually easier to maintain and cheaper to grow than soil.

Im staying tuned tho soil grows produce nice results as well. JUST takes forever! lol


Well-Known Member
damn, 2.5 - 3 months? thats quick lol im lookin at 5 - 6 months in soil right? im thinking ill veg for a good 3.5 - 4 weeks then top them. then another 2 weeks or so for veg and then ill throw em into 12/12 and hopefully get a female.... or 8 lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
82 degrees is fine dude! When you get over 86degrees on a regular basis than you may run into some heat stress issues...but your fine man!!!


Well-Known Member
82 degrees is fine dude! When you get over 86degrees on a regular basis than you may run into some heat stress issues...but your fine man!!!
Yea, we had a few hot days here and the temps were running 82 - 88 degrees, i ended up freezing some 2 liter bottles full of water and putting them behind my fan, that seemed to keep them around 82. But temps are back to the normal 75 now, and they're startin to spit out a new set of leaves! its crazy how temp can make all the difference lol.


Well-Known Member
if you are still looking for cheap prices on HPS and MH lamps i bought mine from Inside Sun they have hps + mh 400 watt with ballast and chrome refelctor for 125 shipped to you or 105 shiped if you only want the HPS they also have 1000 watt with everything listed for 140 shipped if your feeling in the mood but watch your electric bill these prices are half that of other lights i have found and from personal experience these work great and even though they are " refurbished" they have a 3 year warentee so its all good i've had my 2 400 watts almost 6 months now no problem and 2 sucessfull flowerings out of them ( the hood is a little ghetto compared to other hoods but thats not whats growing your plant now is it ) and while your at it ebay has good deals on 4 x 4 x 6 grow tents with mylar coated walls and all the hardware to hang lights and fans ect ect for around 115 $ which is 250 less then at any store i have seen

so for around 200 - 250 $ more u can probley quadrupal your yield which i beleive pays for it self ? =)


Well-Known Member
if you are still looking for cheap prices on HPS and MH lamps i bought mine from Inside Sun they have hps + mh 400 watt with ballast and chrome refelctor for 125 shipped to you or 105 shiped if you only want the HPS they also have 1000 watt with everything listed for 140 shipped if your feeling in the mood but watch your electric bill these prices are half that of other lights i have found and from personal experience these work great and even though they are " refurbished" they have a 3 year warentee so its all good i've had my 2 400 watts almost 6 months now no problem and 2 sucessfull flowerings out of them ( the hood is a little ghetto compared to other hoods but thats not whats growing your plant now is it ) and while your at it ebay has good deals on 4 x 4 x 6 grow tents with mylar coated walls and all the hardware to hang lights and fans ect ect for around 115 $ which is 250 less then at any store i have seen

so for around 200 - 250 $ more u can probley quadrupal your yield which i beleive pays for it self ? =)

Damn good site man, thanks for the link. Yea, i hate to say it, but i think i might just fork over the dough and get a 400 watt HPS... maybe the 400 watt MH + HPS even. Been cruising around RIU a lot today and every thread ive read say CFL's blow for flower lol, so im definitely gonna look into an HPS if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
i need to find the link but i do recall seeing a REAL SICK cfl grow on here which involved 2 i beleive 20 gallon rubber made binns turned into a flowering box and god damn were those budds juicy looking 1 sec i will see if i can find it ( this is gonna take a while )

how ever i do recomend the HPS light just because its more mainstream and u will find alot more info on how to make a real successfull harvest with that. so if you have the cash its worth it.

and to be honest 100 $ is the cost of like a 1/4 of some decent dro and you will recieve infinitly more then that with the grow light


Well-Known Member
so in classic stoner fassion i looked for 15 minutes and sad F it and vaped a bowl and got distracted by somthing entirely different so yeah CFLs can be used but why spend all the money and hassle to make them work as good as the HPS which will cost you less in money and time


Well-Known Member
so in classic stoner fassion i looked for 15 minutes and sad F it and vaped a bowl and got distracted by somthing entirely different so yeah CFLs can be used but why spend all the money and hassle to make them work as good as the HPS which will cost you less in money and time

Haha no worries, i'm forgetting shit all the time, its when i start to play solitaire that it gets real bad lol.

I'm actually gonna run to Home Depot tomorrow ( yippee, pay day :-D ) and check out those 70 watt HPS security lights and see what they'll cost me. But i think im gonna end up getting a 400 watt HPS as well. I can just let the 70 watt dangle a little closer to them im sure, just to get those xtra lumens, or even stick it in the wall and get the sides of the plants even.

I'll definitely be posting pics every few days, just to get a little journal, cause these ladies are growing like mad lol i dont wanna miss anything. :bigjoint:

Thanks again for that link! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Awesome stonedz u will not be dissapointed with that 70 watter..... My buddy just picked one up on sale for 49 bux hahaha, bro im excited for u seriously..... yes get ur 400 watt as well and thats exactly what u need to do with the lil one once u get it...

Plus reps bro


Well-Known Member
Awesome stonedz u will not be dissapointed with that 70 watter..... My buddy just picked one up on sale for 49 bux hahaha, bro im excited for u seriously..... yes get ur 400 watt as well and thats exactly what u need to do with the lil one once u get it...

Plus reps bro
Sweet, yea i was thinkin about it and figured what the hell lol, i might as well get a 400w HPS... granted i won't be able to get it for a lil while, but i know i wont be disappointed lol.

By any chance do you know what the light is called? or the model #? i cant find it on lol but then again, most of the stuff i've bought from them, i cant find on their site :lol:.

Man, im pumped, i wanna harvest right now! haha


Well-Known Member
Yea ur not going to find nothing on there website but they are made by lithonia lighting..I threw my last box away, thought i still had it.... Bro ive got a cola about 3 inches from one right now and all its doing is trying to reach and and get closer!

Deffinetely keep thinking the way u r right now dont change anything... im looking forward to ur grow!


Well-Known Member
Yea ur not going to find nothing on there website but they are made by lithonia lighting..I threw my last box away, thought i still had it.... Bro ive got a cola about 3 inches from one right now and all its doing is trying to reach and and get closer!

Deffinetely keep thinking the way u r right now dont change anything... im looking forward to ur grow!

No worries, ill just search around, im sure ill find one similar if not the same one. Damn, 3 inches lol thats way closer than i thought they would be able to be! that makes me even happier! :clap: