Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone :bigjoint: ! I’d sure wish this rain would go west . Just north of me they got 8 inches Monday/Tuesday (isolated spot). I’m almost surrounded by coast line . I’m ready to become one big lake it seems . I’m glad my raised bed drains good . Miracle grow potting soil, Pete Moss, and topsoil all mixed together .


Well-Known Member
Got the Mrs to take some pictures of my plants . They just seem to be behind compared to last year . Here’s the two I have left . View attachment 4966483 Please tell me they’re females. The big one is purple punch that I found a couple of seeds from last year’s plant and the little one is bag seed from a friend . Got to get my buddy over here to get things cleaned up. Because of me being confined to a wheel chair I can’t do much with them myself . I do it for some ot and pt . Also keeps my mind busy .
Here’s the purple punch View attachment 4966487 View attachment 4966487 View attachment 4966489

Little guy View attachment 4966490 View attachment 4966491 View attachment 4966492

I live somewhere between Milwaukee and Buffalo Ny. About a 5hr drive to Toronto . My father-in-law I believe he lives in Scarborough .

Just vapes here because of ease and discreet . I do have a small wooden pipe probably older than me View attachment 4966502. It doesn’t get hot and easy to clean . I love a good joint (sure do miss rolling them) but they just make you stink.
not a bad looking little tomato you got going there.........GL


Well-Known Member
I’ll keep you guys posted with pictures and keep close tab on them . I know the neighbor grows outdoors and I don’t want to ruin his crop . I even think he has honey bees . The purple punch I grew last year is pretty good coming from a three decade stoner and sure is hearty strain . I lost 5 branches last year and it still out produced the same size OG Cush plant . I can only hope we have a nice dry fall .