Where Do You Go When You Die?

If you change your mind, Jesus loves you and would love to see you in heaven with him. God bless brother
Well thanks for understanding.......had a healthy dose of cult life in Catholic school.........yikes.......thanks mom........oh, she was cool, not a fanatic or bible thumper, just old school......my father disgusted with what he called " Holy rollers ".....assholes all week, then on Sunday .....pious, sanctimonious. I've advocated to my prodigy to be "free thinkers".......if so desired, check out certain religions/cults.......hell, check them all out. My tribe ain't herded en masse
You don't have to be in a club or a church to follow Jesus. You can have a personal relationship with him.
i'm not sure about jesus' divinity...i'm not an atheist, i believe there's some kind of guiding intelligence to the universe, but i've never been so egotistical as to think they'd have time to deal with my petty prayers...
it seems there was indeed an individual named jesus who existed, and who started the christian movement...but whether or not he was the son of god is entirely up for debate.
a roman scholar named Tacitus recounted the troubles that the Emperor Nero had with the man and his movement, and places the time and circumstances of the death of "Christus" in accordance with the biblical record. A jewish scholar and historian named Josephus mentions Jesus' brother James (actually Jacob) and the circumstances of his death, but he identifies this particular brother as Yehoshua (Jesus), Called Christos.
this and several other historical records make me tend to think the man lived, and tried to start a movement that at the very least highly irritated the romans, but again, i've yet to see anything like proof that he was more than a charismatic leader
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i'm not sure about jesus' divinity...i'm not an atheist, i believe there's some kind of guiding intelligence to the universe, but i've never been so egotistical as to think they'd have time to deal with my petty prayers...
it seems there was indeed an individual named jesus who existed, and who started the christian movement...but whether or not he was the son of god is entirely up for debate.
a roman scholar named Tacitus recounted the troubles that the Emperor Nero had with the man and his movement, and places the time and circumstances of the death of "Christus" in accordance with the biblical record. A jewish scholar and historian named Josephus mentions Jesus' brother James (actually Jacob) and the circumstances of his death, but he identifies this particular brother as Yehoshua (Jesus), Called Christos.
this and several other historical records make me tend to think the man lived, and tried to start a movement that at the very least highly irritated the romans, but again, i've yet to see anything like proof that he was anything more than a charismatic leader
To quote Jim Morrison......" Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain".........bad timing, wrong place to kick that off. No cults/religions......I consider myself, if I need a label, is more of a neo-Taoist. I do agree that there is a guiding force.....Nature(Mother).
To quote Jim Morrison......" Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain".........bad timing, wrong place to kick that off. No cults/religions......I consider myself, if I need a label, is more of a neo-Taoist. I do agree that there is a guiding force.....Nature(Mother).
Jesus created mother nature and our magnificent body. Just take a look at it. It's the best creation on earth. Not even elite scientists could understand it 100 percent. Our body didn't just happen because it runs perfectly. Does your car run? Do you think it just happened or it was created?
The molecules in our body decompose and that's it.
We are no different to any other living creature.
No soul no heaven no hell no man made fantasys just decomposing molecules.
Jesus created mother nature and our magnificent body. Just take a look at it. It's the best creation on earth. Not even elite scientists could understand it 100 percent. Our body didn't just happen because it runs perfectly. Does your car run? Do you think it just happened or it was created?
My body is a piece of shit, never worked right.............runs perfectly my ass..........if I may quote a well known heavyweight in here, "It's a shit-carnival , with shit surprises "'....quite the distillation ! Thanks for all the pain and suffering , universally, well done. A mere mortal , as I, could never come up with a better scenario.
The molecules in our body decompose and that's it.
We are no different to any other living creature.
No soul no heaven no hell no man made fantasys just decomposing molecules.
it's quite possible you're right...but it's also equally as possible you're entirely wrong...as it stands at the moment, no one KNOWS fuck all about what happens when we die. i don't trust a single near death experience to mean a damn thing...fucking Miracle Max knew that almost dead isn't the same thing as completely dead....so until we clock out of this shift, we have no clue about where we're going next, and so far, no one has come back to tell anyone anything, anywhere, ever...