Went with quick fix local shop carries it wife made me "pee pouch" in my boxers worked great for 2 different test. Don't have results but I'm confident I passed just can't wait until places are like who cares if you smoke mass weed.
I have a couple of friends who swear by quickfix
Forgot the version i grabbed 2 boxes last time..
I didnt use the though..
I used this..
Im a small guy so its hard to conceal it but i still managed to pull it off with substituted piss, that way you dont have to wonder if the lab will catch on..
it keeps a solid 98 degree temp.
Its called the urinator.. its a bit pricey but is almost bullet proof. You want to practice with water first, belive me you dont want to piss yourself with someone elses urine..
Its got a cap at the nozzle to so you dont want to drop it and have it make noise or roll out the door.