Pandemic 2020

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The city of Orlando is asking residents to reduce water consumption IMMEDIATELY. Liquid oxygen used to treat water is being diverted to the hospitals to treat COVID patients. They believe if water consumption doesn’t change, water treatment could hit a critical point in a week.
immediately followed by the synchronized screech of half a million hose bibs and faucets opening while everyone top off totes, trash cans etc.
It could be... I borrowed industrial oxygen once from a brewery, to save a heart attack victim. Maybe they were using it for water purification. Ah no - I looked it up. It helps the yeast.
When you just have to stare in disbelief.

RM with lowest vaccination rate encouraging big gatherings 'We're just pretending the pandemic is over': worried resident

A Manitoba municipality with the lowest vaccination rate in the province is encouraging its residents to gather in big groups at neighbourhood block parties.

The Rural Municipality of Stanley launched a block party program this year, which provides residents with free party packages including invitations, outdoor games kits and coupons for food.

"It is time to get the community together! The RM of Stanley council wants to encourage community building by assisting with neighbourhood block parties!" the brochure reads.

The four-page document includes an application form and hosting requirements, which calls on residents to make a "reasonable attempt" to invite everyone in the neighbourhood.

The brochure includes only a brief mention of COVID-19 and provincial regulations about the pandemic.

Stanley has the lowest COVID-19 immunization rate of any health district in Manitoba. As of Wednesday, 21.8 per cent of eligible residents had their first dose, and just 19.4 had their second. Nearby Winkler has the second-lowest vaccination rate in the province, with 34.5 per cent of residents fully vaccinated. Comparatively, several Manitoba health districts are reporting vaccine rates that exceed 80 per cent.

According to the municipality, interest in the block parties has been strong.

This doesn’t sit well with RM of Stanley resident Ashley Hoitink, who said she was shocked when her husband received the brochure via email on Aug. 9.

"To me, it’s like we’re just pretending the pandemic is over. I don’t know, if I was the lowest-vaccinated RM, I would be sending out emails reminding my community members that they could still get vaccinated," she told the Free Press Thursday.

"Not, ‘Hey, why don’t you gather when it’s likely given the statistics that a high percentage of you are unvaccinated?’"

Hoitink, a 32-year-old teacher and new mom, said she doesn’t remember the RM advertising block parties in the past, and she believes it’s a pointed message from council to its constituents.

"I think they’re making their point pretty clear if they’re focusing on block parties instead of vaccination rates," she said.

She’s reached out to the RM of Stanley about the initiative, but hasn’t heard back.

Stanley Reeve Morris Olafson did not respond to requests for comment Thursday.
Thanks for making my point! :lol:

I know, I know, you're the victim here, but ...

we're all laughing at you!

Green Day put it best:

Nobody likes you,
Everyone left you,
We're all out without you,
Having fun!

So in your analogy, you are whatshername and I am Jesus of Suburbia? You are breaking up with me? Dude, we were never together.
Good news, mandates are coming, I imagine Health Canada won't be far behind! The antivaxxers will bleat and whine. So what's it gonna be, the jab or the axe?
This will vaxx many of the working young and students and might get Canada's vaxx rate up to 90%+. Here in NS we are already at 86.2% for a single dose and 77.1% fully vaxxed, mandates should easily bring NS into the mid 90%s of the eligible. Young children are another matter and it could be spring until they are protected, but some say it might be as early as fall for school aged kids at least.


The F.D.A. is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer’s Covid vaccine on Monday.
The Food and Drug Administration is pushing to approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s two-dose Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, further expediting an earlier timeline for licensing the shot, according to people familiar with the agency’s planning.

Regulators were working to finish the process by Friday but were still working through a substantial amount of paperwork and negotiation with the company. The people familiar with the planning, who were not authorized to speak publicly about it, cautioned that the approval might slide beyond Monday if some components of the review need more time.

An F.D.A. spokeswoman declined to comment.
The agency had recently set an unofficial deadline for approval of around Labor Day.

The approval is expected to pave the way for a series of vaccination requirements by public and private organizations who were awaiting final regulatory action before implementing mandates. Federal and state health officials are also hoping that an approved vaccine will draw interest from some Americans who have been hesitant to take one that was only authorized for emergency use, a phenomenon suggested by recent polling.

Some universities and hospitals are expected to mandate inoculation once a vaccine is fully approved. The Pentagon earlier this month said it plans to make Covid vaccinations mandatory for the country’s 1.3 million active-duty troops “no later” than the middle of next month, or sooner if the F.D.A. acts earlier.

Once it obtains the approval, Pfizer-BioNTech is planning to quickly ask the F.D.A. to approve a third dose as a booster shot. The Biden administration on Wednesday announced that fully vaccinated adults should prepare to get booster shots eight months after they received their second doses, beginning Sept. 20. Pfizer is expected to finish submitting data that it says shows a third shot is safe and effective next week.

The F.D.A. last week updated its authorizations of Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s vaccine to allow third doses for some immunocompromised people, a decision backed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Regulators are still reviewing Moderna’s application for full approval for its coronavirus vaccine, and a decision could come at least several weeks after the one for Pfizer-BioNTech. Moderna is planning to submit its data in support of a booster shot in September.
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A lot of that was way over my head. Is there a chance that while this variant could evade a vaccine, it could also be less virulent or contagious? Let’s hope.
That happens, it's contagion that wins the race, not virulence and sometimes these things get weaker and more contagious at the same time, then fade away, like magic, as Trump used to say! :o
They aren't gonna pay for stupidity and will require employers who get packages for staff to mandate vaccines too. Stupidity will become a preexisting condition and perhaps many in the red states will have to sell their houses to make the bills. Maybe they should get Trump medical insurance, now there's a scam for Donald!
It's been a while since I did a local update. . . .

First the good news. My buddy and his girlfriend did not have covid. There is a real bad respiratory flu going around, and they both had it. My boss had it the week before. We had to tell her to go home as she couldn't stop coughing and it was freaking out the board members.

The bad news is my first cousin tested positive on 8-5. She didn't tell any of us about it til last night. She is my age (60) and it roughed her up pretty good. It looks like she is going to make it, but will have to have more X-rays to see is she has lung damage. She works at two hospitals, the local one had 14 test positive this month. Small town, small hospital, so that is a big part of the workforce.
Also a lady who I knew in a tangential way died this week of covid. When I first got my job 30 years ago, we did recreation. There was a family who worked the concessions stand for us and she was one of them. I would guess she is in her 50's.
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