Ontario Law

Yes they are going to give him 14 years for 4 plants
Yet Gordon stuckless gets what probation for being a pedophile and raping multiple children.
I somehow doubt that.
Do they even give maximum sentences for murder in Canada? Other than Paul Bernardo?
Musso kills what was it 2 or 3 kids and the grand father while drunk driving and does what 1 year for each death?
But ya tell the op he might get 14 years in jail if he gets caught with 4 plants over.

Doug I think you are correct about past troubles and also they could use the over 4 plants to search your house if they think your involved in other criminal activities but just use the plant count to beagle to search your house.

But if your not a criminal I wouldn't worry to much about a couple plants.
also it is super easy to get acmpr and like bk said it's free for small amount so it's the best option for piece of mind
Yes they are going to give him 14 years for 4 plants
Yet Gordon stuckless gets what probation for being a pedophile and raping multiple children.
I somehow doubt that.
Do they even give maximum sentences for murder in Canada? Other than Paul Bernardo?
Musso kills what was it 2 or 3 kids and the grand father while drunk driving and does what 1 year for each death?
But ya tell the op he might get 14 years in jail if he gets caught with 4 plants over.

Doug I think you are correct about past troubles and also they could use the over 4 plants to search your house if they think your involved in other criminal activities but just use the plant count to beagle to search your house.

But if your not a criminal I wouldn't worry to much about a couple plants.
also it is super easy to get acmpr and like bk said it's free for small amount so it's the best option for piece of mind
Lol you're a real treat
Twist my words again
PS I'm the one who said it's easy to get an acmpr.
You're really stuck on raping kids aye? Did you do the 2 years?
In quebec its fines for plants and over 8 or 10 its going to court even tho we are the only province who tried to ban minimal 4 plant per household and that got revoked by supreme court of canada. Before legalization i know someone who got busted with 14 plants in his backyard with a growtent set up all in boxes not even operational, couple seeds and bubble bags and he got like 2000$ fine with a criminal case because it was his first offence but crown attorney tried to gave him 1 year in jail for production with intention to traffic lmao. I think under 8 plant you will be good, maybe fines but jail time i dont think so, its if you are acmpr and fraud the program with overlimit plants or selling now its way worst than when it was illegal.
Yes they are going to give him 14 years for 4 plants
Yet Gordon stuckless gets what probation for being a pedophile and raping multiple children.
I somehow doubt that.
Do they even give maximum sentences for murder in Canada? Other than Paul Bernardo?
Musso kills what was it 2 or 3 kids and the grand father while drunk driving and does what 1 year for each death?
But ya tell the op he might get 14 years in jail if he gets caught with 4 plants over.

Doug I think you are correct about past troubles and also they could use the over 4 plants to search your house if they think your involved in other criminal activities but just use the plant count to beagle to search your house.

But if your not a criminal I wouldn't worry to much about a couple plants.
also it is super easy to get acmpr and like bk said it's free for small amount so it's the best option for piece of mind
14-years for that? In California you get a fine, that’s it.
14-years for that? In California you get a fine, that’s it.
No here you get a fine as well
But a couple morons came on here and told the op he could get the maximum sentence in Canada for cultivation with intent to distribute, you know cause he wanted to know what would happen if he cloned his four plants for his next round...absolute clowns, then proceed to argue that dumb point for 4 pages
No here you get a fine as well
But a couple morons came on here and told the op he could get the maximum sentence in Canada for cultivation with intent to distribute, you know cause he wanted to know what would happen if he cloned his four plants for his next round...absolute clowns, then proceed to argue that dumb point for 4 pages
I think they confusing Canada with our red states James Crow 2.0 systems.
Only his does. Mids at best
I was just scrolling his huge illegal grow
Meh not very impressed.
Mids is a compliment to him
I think he's a toucher. He really knows alot about sentences for molesting. That's not what the op was asking though fyi
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Hey bk I never said I was a pro grower like you.
Maybe you can teach me how to grow and I can tell you what a pussy feels like that you don't have to pay for or isn't fury...
Which hand you use to type that message?
You take the one off your cat or the one from your cock?

There you go twisting shit like every comment you type. Please quote me where I’ve ever said even remotely I’m a pro grower and I’ll log out right now and never log in again.

Get a fucking life you loser.
Just started growing my 4 legal plants here in Ontario but can’t help but ask whats the punishment if I decide to grow 6 or even 8 plants? Do the cops even care?
Anybody have any knowledge about this? Is it a slap on the wrist with a small fine or will I be doing hard time…which I doubt being in Canada after all. Just curious as I would like to flower 4 plants but clone 4 new plants for my next grow.
Talk to an attorney. They often give highly reduced consultation before being retained... DON'T ASK JAILHOUSE ATTORNEYS SHIT AND DON'T TALK TO THE POLICE ORHER THAN YOUR NAME AND YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY..That is if you have that right in Canada...but since your asking for opinions. I'd say a plant or few more would probably be more of a pain in your ass , court hearings, fine...

Good luck

There you go twisting shit like every comment you type. Please quote me where I’ve ever said even remotely I’m a pro grower and I’ll log out right now and never log in again.

Get a fucking life you loser.
Awww did the fat loser get his feelings hurt by the truth?
Please I would love to see where I twisted your boyfriends words?
Not my fault you guys don't know the difference between a maximum sentence that doesn't even get given to someone in Canada that has over 10000 plants to the op who is wondering about cloning his 4 plants so he doesn't have to start seeds every grow, cause you know those two scenarios are the same to you two buffoons.

Sorry tubs i actually have a life unlike you
Your life consists of you stroking your cats and your cock. It's really quite sad.
But you come on here and try and roast every poster, yet you are most obviously to anyone who come to this site a fat loser who only has cats in his life

Sorry tubs i actually have a life unlike you

Is that why you’ve literally been logged in for 10 hours straight?

Hahaha. I just literally finished my 9 hour work day and probably made more than you do in a weeks worth of collecting your CERB

Looooooser hahaha
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Exactly what I said from the get get go homie
I circled it for you so you can understand better.
Honestly if your to stupid to realize there's a difference between the maximum sentence that doesn't even get handed out to someone growing over 10000 plants to the op wanting to know what would happen if he cloned his 4 legal plants.
Then I guess your just not smart enough to get.
Nothing to be embarrassed about