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Vaccination Status May Be Considered To Get ICU Beds in Dallas soon.
the priority for medical attention has the antivax retards up in arms. i guess they know its not a hoaxVaccination Status May Be Considered To Get ICU Beds in Dallas soon.
the priority for medical attention has the antivax retards up in arms. i guess they know its not a hoax
Well, it's for mammals after all. The issue seems to be people the in the USA with a poor education that cannot do math, so they take the whole tube. Even still, it seems very well tolerated since from the reports I read all of the calls to the hotline reported only mild symptoms. After all, the medicine is on the WHO's list of essential medicines (for humans). Anyways I digress. It is preferrable to get this medication from a doctor...
It's not enough to threaten them with loss of livelihood, and non-essential activities, it's best to deny them care. LOL is this like some joke reality I am living in run by a bunch of evil clowns? People like you suck. The virus with a survival rate of 99% globally requires this? Get real.
Looking like they will be recommending a booster 6 months after vaccination.
Which big lie alt fact would that be?An actual conservative would not stoop to vomiting Repug big lie alt-fact propaganda.
1) that ivermectin is not wildly inappropriate to treat Covid, first post. It reads like youre endorsing it, or that any honest physician would prescribe it for anything other than the indicated parasites.Which big lie alt fact would that be?
No. This merely illustrates the depth of your delusion as commanded by the orange autocrat and his startling thirty million* deluded sycophants. Have you forgotten the sundered families and forced hysterectomies? Genocide is the sole province of MAGA worshippers.1) Most physicians will prescribe absolutely nothing to treat COVID itself...
But some evidence of help...
Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low
Claiming that timely introduction of Ivermectin since the first wave has helped the state maintain a relatively low positivity rate despite in its high population
2) I am not anti vaccine. Just anti-tyrant pal. Screw off you tyrant asshole. People like you would have no problem putting people you think are wrong on ideological grounds in camps if you were told that was your opinion by the TV. lol.
No. This merely illustrates the depth of your delusion as commanded by the orange autocrat and his startling thirty million deluded sycophants. Have you forgotten the sundered families and forced hysterectomies? Genocide is the sole province of MAGA worshippers.
It is ironic to read a poorly-concealed MAGA call someone else a tyrant. Clinically this is known as projection, and it has been a standard ploy of Repugs for the last twenty years, and blatantly for the last five.
The virus with a survival rate of 99% globally requires this? Get real.
Once again no evidence just a poorly worded word salad. Get a life bud, and an education.
So 1% of 7 billion is 70 million dead. We're currently at a hair under 4.5M dead. Hmm, quite a few more are gonna die then.
Strawman. When did we talk about FDA? Get a clue bud.Evidence of what? It is a fact that Ivermectin hasn't been approved by the FDA for treating Covid. This requires no evidence, it's a simple fact.
Holy shit. 70M dead every year? The flu only killed 300-600k worldwide in 2019. Sounds like covid is way worst.Every year, just like any endemic virus...
Holy shit. 70M dead every year? The flu only killed 300-600k worldwide in 2019. Sounds like covid is way worst.
"The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths."Actually, the flu in its' worst season killed up to 600k in USA alone.
But whatever man, facts are what you want them to be.