Flying with Weed (Please read -- A little bit different idea)


New Member

I know, I know -- Not another "Can we fly with weed" story.

But this one, I couldn't find anywhere.

I have pre-rolls that are about the size of a cigarette, a little smaller (similar to capri cigarettes).

I am planning on taking 2 cartons of cigarettes with me.

My plan was to open 1 carton carefully, take 1 pack out, carefully open said pack, empty the cigs, replace with the pre-rolls, fold the foil back up neatly and put the plastic seal from the bottom portion on top, to more or less "seal" the cigarette pack shut. Put the pack back in the carton, and then I would seal the carton back up, with superglue or elmers or something.


Also, does anyone know if they can tell the difference between cigarettes or other types of plant?

Thank you so much :)

Depends where your are flying from/to. They don’t check for it in legal states as far as I know. And if you are flying from legal state to legal state it shouldn’t be an issue. Check the local laws of where your are landing. I think they stopped at LAX within the last couple years.

I know, I know -- Not another "Can we fly with weed" story.

But this one, I couldn't find anywhere.

I have pre-rolls that are about the size of a cigarette, a little smaller (similar to capri cigarettes).

I am planning on taking 2 cartons of cigarettes with me.

My plan was to open 1 carton carefully, take 1 pack out, carefully open said pack, empty the cigs, replace with the pre-rolls, fold the foil back up neatly and put the plastic seal from the bottom portion on top, to more or less "seal" the cigarette pack shut. Put the pack back in the carton, and then I would seal the carton back up, with superglue or elmers or something.


Also, does anyone know if they can tell the difference between cigarettes or other types of plant?

Thank you so much :)

your going to jail please explain to me who big bubba is - Willy Wonka |  Meme Generator

I know, I know -- Not another "Can we fly with weed" story.

But this one, I couldn't find anywhere.

I have pre-rolls that are about the size of a cigarette, a little smaller (similar to capri cigarettes).

I am planning on taking 2 cartons of cigarettes with me.

My plan was to open 1 carton carefully, take 1 pack out, carefully open said pack, empty the cigs, replace with the pre-rolls, fold the foil back up neatly and put the plastic seal from the bottom portion on top, to more or less "seal" the cigarette pack shut. Put the pack back in the carton, and then I would seal the carton back up, with superglue or elmers or something.


Also, does anyone know if they can tell the difference between cigarettes or other types of plant?

Thank you so much :)

Never underestimate the nose of a dog. Especially a trained one. Just say no.
Who in the fuck wants to puff on a pin joint covered in ass hair and corn ????

Make some god damn tincture tell the aero cops there its CBD oil ……Jeezus

Unless you like having ass smell next to your nostrils
Never underestimate the nose of a dog. Especially a trained one. Just say no.

I had weed in my carry-on once and purposely waived it in the nose of a TSA dog. It was pre-security, so I still had a chance to run to the bathroom and flush it if the dog freaked out. I thought it was a worthwhile test as I fly with weed all the time. The dog didn't flinch...I found out afterwards that TSA don't care about your weed. It's even on their website. The dog was a beagle and apparently it is trained to find explosives. I saw a German Shepard at the same airport last week. It was there to sniff out COVID.

If you are flying with it...grind it up before hand and wrap it in separate plastic/cling-film balls and wrap the exterior tightly with scotch tape.

I scatter 5 or 6 of these little plastic balls throughout my suitcase. I don't bother wrapping them in clothing. It's more than enough for a week stay, maybe 2 weeks. I usually discard the excess before flying home. I've been all over the US, and across the Atlantic with my stash like this numerous times over about 30 years. Never had a problem.