Burnt my seedling, can it recover?


New Member
I messed up with the beginning of this grow (fem cheese) because one night I somehow thought it could be a good idea to try and put the light full power 25cm above the seedling.
Her new growth is burnt like a mf now and has a stem so dark red its almost brown, hasn't shown progress the past 2 days. Is it worth waiting to see what happens or should I just scrap this? is it possible that if it pulls through and all goes smooth after it can still become a hermie?
Thank you!


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New Member
Girl see what happens. You still have healthy green leaves
It's difficult to see on the pic but the new growth is yellow and crispy (even that small), the round seedling leaves are green and she's gotten a bit taller but her finger leaves haven't made progress since i raised the light to 60cm 3 days ago. I've started my next seed and will germinate it next to this one, if it out grows this one I will swap them out.

