I just ordered the sour D from him today was 420 with insulated shipper and over night shipping. If its summer and you really want cuts sent to az opt for the insulated shipper dude. My first set of GMO clones died but I just got 6 more sent in insulated shipper and then didn't skip a beat. I got them in, put them in coco with half feeding and they were already perky and doing great the next day.

Dookie is legit, I got his gmo last year, real bugs.
I have some pics of a dudded cut. I'm going to grab some pics of my healthy non infected cut (same strain) tomorrow. I'm trying get the shots in natural light so the nuances can be seen clearly

Figured it might provide a reference point since many of the pics online for HplVd are of flowering plants. After I finish, I'm chuckin it in the fire pit unless there are other angles you guys would like to see.

I'm posting this as kind of note to myself to not forget, lol.
Either way, anything (dudded) will snap out regardless in 18/6 or 24hr lighting. All these terms that you talk about equal a dirty lazy grower. These terms are made up to give a grower an excuse to buy something that’s guaranteed to fix it when it should be the growers habits that should change

What do you mean "will snap out". In my experience once it's dudded, it's dudded...

Either way, anything (dudded) will snap out regardless in 18/6 or 24hr lighting. All these terms that you talk about equal a dirty lazy grower. These terms are made up to give a grower an excuse to buy something that’s guaranteed to fix it when it should be the growers habits that should change

I really wish that were true but unfortunately, curative control measures do not exist. Viroids are not viruses. Even TC is not a guarantee.

But, if you have a point of reference or credible publications, I'd love to read them. It would be more valuable then insulting growers.

I'm c'mon...dudding denial is so 2014
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By now I think there is a good enough amount of evidence to show that HPLvD has crossed over in to Marijuana and caused stunted production. The whole theory is it crossed over during the hemp boom which would be about just under a decade old so the virus is still new to some. And when it comes to the growing clone industry it just spread exponentially. Was like bad timing. If they figured this out before 2014-2015 it would have probably not dented the industry as hard as it did. But it wasn't about till 2019 that they caught the virus and by that time it hit so much stock.
I think the theory that it originated from dark heart itself holds some merit. We will never know for sure and at least they're doing something about it at this point.
They had to have gotten it from somewhere. I mean the fact that they were one of the top clone distributors makes it highly likely they distributed it the most. The problem was the lack of knowledge at the time. PCG had it in some of their cuts as well. It sucked because it caught us all off guard and the way it replicates is scary. Gone are the days of just using 90% alcohol to sanitize scissors. Nothing less than 10% bleach now.
My whole thing is that going forward we need to do something about it. Especially as clone distributors. We have to acknowledge it. Weed it out. And put procedures in place to keep it out. Like you said, Darkheart stepped up the game on it and so did PCG.
A while back I mentioned water electrolysis machines for making ultra low/high pH water to sterilize tools and trays, etc... Turns out I'm a little slow, I already own one. I bought this years ago to make anti fungal spray for reptiles.

Eco One Electrolyzed Water System, Generate Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) Cleaner & Disinfectant

I think this is a home version of the same tech that some commercial nurseries are using (to combat the virus). They sell bigger ones, too. To make hypochlorous acid, you just add 2 grams of salt and a tsp of vinegar.

Yes it's cheaper to buy bleach, but this is more fun and has a cool blue light. I'll try and find out if it can be used to make low pH water. They only have instructions for making hypochlorous acid or potassium hydroxide. I've been soaking my scalpel in the HOCl.
That’s a cool plug for the company but things like changing RO filters, cleaning water drums and tanks eliminate the possibility of your room going down. Biggest threat to any growroom is humidity, if it isn’t below 50 in week 9 ya got problems.

you can’t compare a fungal disease which is everywhere to a infectious pathogen. wouldnt wish HpLVd on my worst enemy.
That’s a cool plug for the company but things like changing RO filters, cleaning water drums and tanks eliminate the possibility of your room going down. Biggest threat to any growroom is humidity, if it isn’t below 50 in week 9 ya got problems.
This tech is already in use. My friend manages a big greenhouse/nursery operation. You alternate tools while working to lower the risk of spreading infection. One scalpel sits in the low pH water while you're using the other one.

And piss off with your "cool plug" BS.
Clone vending hustle is bound to have problems when the vendors just pass around other vendors cuts, someone will skip out on prevention process somewhere down the line. I remember when everyone was getting cuts from dark heart nursery, shit was all good then come to find out they were the source of the problem.

I would respect a clone vendor more if they pheno hunted from seed & passed around that cut. Lol that's more work than just making a mother plant & taking clones. Imo once breeders start doing that instead of just offering seeds, clone vendors will need to find a different hustle.
Look......I highly doubt you "control any corner, anywhere". I like when people like you speak up on forums. Really lets us know who exactly were dealing with.

he doesn’t control any corner, Michigan and Genesee County is big enough for every bro dudes and their cousins. i think I’ve mentioned months ago that he’s kind of a jerk when he was at the club andwho knows about his clones. But just don’t pretend you’ve done business with your own business Also don’t downplay real science with bro science, we’ve already been through that on this thread.