The White privilege to terrorize


Well-Known Member
So in this thread - "anti-racists" have said white kids murder everyone everywhere they go - whites are savages - whites are evil - whites stole from native americans - and that white history is nothing but hate and violence.

Can anybody find a SINGLE public Hitler quote about another group that is even as REMOTELY as disgusting and vile as the quotes from "anti-racists" on White kids? Does Hitler have a single quote that is even MODERATELY IN THAT BALLPARK?

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White


Well-Known Member
Can anybody find a SINGLE public Hitler quote about another group that is even as REMOTELY as disgusting and vile as the quotes from "anti-racists" on White kids?

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
No one cares about this but you cry baby. I would think the white race would pick a stronger, smarter person to represent the race. Guess they had to take whatever sheep they could get :lol:


Well-Known Member
now your catching on
oh i've been on point the whole time

You all aren't Anti-conquest - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-colonialism - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-genocide - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-discrimination - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-bigotry- you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-racist - you are anti-white

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White


Well-Known Member
So in this thread - "anti-racists" have said white kids murder everyone everywhere they go - whites are savages - whites are evil - whites stole from native americans - and that white history is nothing but hate and violence.

Can anybody find a SINGLE public Hitler quote about another group that is even as REMOTELY as disgusting and vile as the quotes from "anti-racists" on White kids? Does Hitler have a single quote that is even MODERATELY IN THAT BALLPARK?

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
If you care about an answer, you must first give us concrete "anti-racist" source material WITH REFERENCES*.

Without them, there is no way to answer your question.

*from the peer-reviewed literature. No memes or slogans; they do not mean a thing.


Well-Known Member
If you care about an answer, you must first give us concrete "anti-racist" source material WITH REFERENCES*.
No problem there

Lets start with quotes from the "anti-racists" aka anti-whites in this thread.

White men want to live somewhere, so they murder everyone and take it.
Can you find a single public Hitler quote about another group that is even REMOTELY as disgusting as this?


Well-Known Member
No problem there

Lets start with quotes from the "anti-racists" aka anti-whites in this thread.

Can you find a single public Hitler quote about another group that is even REMOTELY as disgusting as this?
internal anecdote? No. REFERENCES from known and credible journalistic or academic institutions.
Like AP or Reuters or Nature.

I know you can do it!



Well-Known Member
No problem there

Lets start with quotes from the "anti-racists" aka anti-whites in this thread.

Can you find a single public Hitler quote about another group that is even REMOTELY as disgusting as this?
SEPTEMBER 16, 1919
On September 16, 1919, Hitler issues his first written comment on the so-called Jewish Question.

In the statement, he defined the Jews as a race and not a religious community, characterized the effect of a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples,” and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews. The “ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.” Hitler's years in Vienna (1908–1913) and his military service were important stages for his development of a comprehensive racist ideology.


Well-Known Member
The “ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.”
Thats not a sentence - there is no context on what he is saying. Removal of Jews as a people? Or removal from a territory? I'd like a FULL QUOTE that verifies your theory that the Nazis were ALMOST as bad as you anti-whites


Well-Known Member
Forget facts. Maybe I should have posted a meme. See ya kiddo I got a smoking hot Asian wife to bang. :peace:
FACT - you have provided me with an incomplete quote with no context. MAYBE the context is there and vindicates your claim that nazis were ALMOST as bad as you anti-whites.


Well-Known Member
I can’t do your homework for you kiddo. Have a nice night. Maybe when your mom gets home, you can give her, her phone back.

you white people want everything handed to you :roll:


Well-Known Member
Okay so your argument is that you anti-whites are JUST AS BAD AS HITLER

But actually you arent - YOU ARE MUCH MUCH MUCH WORSE

"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
Jose Angel Gutierrez

"Racial Tactics Backfire", Texas Monthly Vol. 4 No. 7 (p.12), July 1976.
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Well-Known Member
I bet this - you would think that i agree with your politics... I would KNOW that you would be too scared to debate or speak your political views around anybody that disagrees with you... so i would trick you into bragging about white genocide - I would let you speak ALL of your childishly stupid nonsense thinking you were safe from smart people and put you in a position where you CANT PRETEND you don't believe in it - I'd let you go on for an HOUR - then i would absolutely DESTROY your entire worldview in just a few sentences and watch the panic set in to your face lmaoooooooooooo


Well, you know something? I've known several people who talk like you do ...

and all of them were mentally ill.

So there ya go, young man.



Well-Known Member
Well, you know something? I've known several people who talk like you do ...

and all of them were mentally ill.

So there ya go, young man.

you've got NOTHING to say to those that pathologically demonize white kids, lie about them, slander them - laugh about how they are being turned into hated minorities in Europe & America.

They can say the most vile hateful disgusting things about whites that they like

BUT... if someone DEFENDS white kids - you call them mentally ill.
